Current BG production estimate

When GM were closing down plants a while back, they picked the Quebec one , because even the workers , were driving anything but GM cars and that is why Quebec is not an important market for GM. Not saying they do not care but we are not as important as the rest of North America , let s say.
Sorry, I think you are missing the one important thing about any company. They want to sell their product. They don't really care where. More likely the only reason they don't sell volume in Quebec is that buyers prefer other brands. It has nothing to do with GM's preference. Importance is relative to the market and Quebec buys almost 33% of all cars. Why would they not want a part of that?
No computer data available until this morning for whatever reason.
Sept 27: 1969 > 2109 = 141
Sept 28: 2110 > 2292 = 183

Glad to see these number steadily increasing!

Anyone else who received a September allocation get a TPW yet? I checked with Spencer's & no movement for me yet however I got antsy & reached out to the museum & they told me end of November TPW.... I've been keeping track of TPWs in another forum & everyone seems to be getting October/early Nov TPWs, so seems a bit odd. Oh well, waiting game continues.
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