Current BG production estimate

25784 > 25964 = 181

Base on this chart are we seeing 2022 productions will start right after this? Are we expecting any issues of chips shortage that may delay of 2022? What is your thoughts?
Yes, and no chip shortages anticipated due to GM shuttering other production lines (temporarily) to ensure their most profitable vehicles (C8 and full size SUV's) continue production uninterrupted. (As per official GM news recently)
I am guessing that GM will want to push right through. The C8 is making them money and I'm sure they want to build that 40,000 units they originally hoped for.
There is some discrepancy about the final 2021 number. According to Harlan Charles there was (will be) 26216 Stingrays. According to Mark Riel on Facebook (from whom I get the daily numbers) there are 26139 2021 Stingrays. I can't seem to confirm where he got that number from, but if accurate then today is the final 2021 build day.
There is some discrepancy about the final 2021 number. According to Harlan Charles there was (will be) 26216 Stingrays. According to Mark Riel on Facebook (from whom I get the daily numbers) there are 26139 2021 Stingrays. I can't seem to confirm where he got that number from, but if accurate then today is the final 2021 build day.
I've also heard that earlier this morning as well on another forum, today is supposedly the final 21 build day.
Could Corvette Project Manager be wrong? lol.
I can only assume there are CTF's in that number then.
CTF's are sold and count towards totals. I just don't know why they would still need CTF's, but I suppose they must for some reason.
I'm waiting for the numbers, but if the 22's have started down the line then there will be no break between 21's and 22's. Good thing for you guys waiting on the 22's!!

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