Make sure to ask your sales rep to notify you as soon as GM has assigned a TPW - target production week. If your sales rep has experience with ordering Corvettes he/she will know enough to monitor the GM Workbench ordering system and should automatically tell you that critical date but lots of sales people don't do it so make sure to ask them for that information. Very generally speaking your car should be built within 4-6 weeks of the TPW being assigned. Once built figure on 2-4 weeks before it arrives at your dealer depending on how fast they can fill a truck load for your area. Once at the dealer allow 2-3 days for them to prep the car especially if you have ordered any of the dealer installed options i.e. front splitter, graphics package etc. I have attached a list of the status codes for the GM ordering system.Like Mr. Corvette says. It's actually not about 2023 unless that is your desire. It's more about allocations and when they come.