Current BG production estimate

Like Mr. Corvette says. It's actually not about 2023 unless that is your desire. It's more about allocations and when they come.
Make sure to ask your sales rep to notify you as soon as GM has assigned a TPW - target production week. If your sales rep has experience with ordering Corvettes he/she will know enough to monitor the GM Workbench ordering system and should automatically tell you that critical date but lots of sales people don't do it so make sure to ask them for that information. Very generally speaking your car should be built within 4-6 weeks of the TPW being assigned. Once built figure on 2-4 weeks before it arrives at your dealer depending on how fast they can fill a truck load for your area. Once at the dealer allow 2-3 days for them to prep the car especially if you have ordered any of the dealer installed options i.e. front splitter, graphics package etc. I have attached a list of the status codes for the GM ordering system.
GM order status codes..jpg
Have you picked yours up yet David?
Nope, still sitting at Humberview waiting for pdi and dealer installed items. They have said they will send pictures as soon as pdi is completed. They are not in any rush, not am I, as they have their money and I'm still basking in Florida sunshine for another week or so. Several friends have offered to pick it up and do the break in before I get back home. I appreciate their generosity. Here is the picture they sent just after it was taken off the truck last week.
20220308_151810 (002).jpg
I have been waiting since 19/02/2020. If I do not get one this year I am moving on to something else.
You will likely get one this year, but it seems Canada has been forgotten by GM so far this year. I suspect we won't even get our 7% this year.
Make sure to ask your sales rep to notify you as soon as GM has assigned a TPW - target production week. If your sales rep has experience with ordering Corvettes he/she will know enough to monitor the GM Workbench ordering system and should automatically tell you that critical date but lots of sales people don't do it so make sure to ask them for that information. Very generally speaking your car should be built within 4-6 weeks of the TPW being assigned. Once built figure on 2-4 weeks before it arrives at your dealer depending on how fast they can fill a truck load for your area. Once at the dealer allow 2-3 days for them to prep the car especially if you have ordered any of the dealer installed options i.e. front splitter, graphics package etc. I have attached a list of the status codes for the GM ordering system. View attachment 93857

And for those of you with the ever-present "order heebee-jeebees" (aka: should I have ordered something different???), keep in mind that once your order reaches status code 3000, you're beyond the point of no return and you'll no longer be able to make changes. BUT rumour has it if you're well connected (ie. closely related to the GM area manager for your region) and BEG, your chances of making a change after status code 3000 may be increased from "zero" to "slim to none". lol
Lets play a game: I predict 1500 or less Canadian 2022 C8s will be delivered (I hope I am wrong)
I'm going with ~ 1000. Sad but I don't think the 3 largest dealers are anywhere near their expected allocations
GM is one of the worst company I ve had to deal with , since the pandemic.
Not sure who is the worst. Casually talking to a Porsche dealer about a SUV (Macan GTS) last week and he admitted 12-18 months was a realistic planning time. When I bought my 2021 Macan GTS just over a year ago there were over 25 in stock to choose from around the GTA .
Not sure who is the worst. Casually talking to a Porsche dealer about a SUV (Macan GTS) last week and he admitted 12-18 months was a realistic planning time. When I bought my 2021 Macan GTS just over a year ago there were over 25 in stock to choose from around the GTA .
I have always believed in first come first served. Since the pandemic , GM seems to be using this as excuse, to blow off Quebec, for trucks, C8 etc. Ask any GM dealer here and they are pissed at them. Albertans, have gotten C8s, at a interval of 3 to 5 months, after orders and we wait more than 2 years !!!!!!! If the Mustang, had a new face, I would of gone back to that by now but I have owned a few of the latest generation.
GM is one of the worst company I ve had to deal with , since the pandemic.

I'm hearing that people are having fun with almost all vehicle manufacturers, since almost all of them are experiencing COVID-related problems getting parts and vehicles and keeping staff. Hopefully all that will soon change.

And many Albertans seem to be waiting a year+ for their C8's...and I've talked to many who can't find a truck ANYWHERE and that's hard to believe in Alberta where we have so many fans of trucks.
I have always believed in first come first served. Since the pandemic , GM seems to be using this as excuse, to blow off Quebec, for trucks, C8 etc. Ask any GM dealer here and they are pissed at them. Albertans, have gotten C8s, at a interval of 3 to 5 months, after orders and we wait more than 2 years !!!!!!! If the Mustang, had a new face, I would of gone back to that by now but I have owned a few of the latest generation.
Those that get cars 3-5 months are counting from order accepted to delivery not from getting on the list to delivery
Make sure to ask your sales rep to notify you as soon as GM has assigned a TPW - target production week. If your sales rep has experience with ordering Corvettes he/she will know enough to monitor the GM Workbench ordering system and should automatically tell you that critical date but lots of sales people don't do it so make sure to ask them for that information. Very generally speaking your car should be built within 4-6 weeks of the TPW being assigned. Once built figure on 2-4 weeks before it arrives at your dealer depending on how fast they can fill a truck load for your area. Once at the dealer allow 2-3 days for them to prep the car especially if you have ordered any of the dealer installed options i.e. front splitter, graphics package etc. I have attached a list of the status codes for the GM ordering system. View attachment 93857
Thank you . He and another salesman are the go to guys , for selling C8s. I hope he knows what he is doing.
Those that get cars 3-5 months are counting from order accepted to delivery not from getting on the list to delivery
One person , who posted here , from Alberta , gave a good description of his order and it took 11 weeks. My memory might be wrong but I did comment and he jokingly said , move to Alberta.
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