Good evening Gentlemen,

Well, no fresh disasters to report! Then again it rained so we didn't try to do any seeding. I went and picked up some new seals for the left bank of airhoses to see if that will solve the plugging problem. Thankfully we are movin gto a new field where the fertilizer rate is lower so the amount to be blown through the hoses is less ergo fewer plugging problems, the theory anyway.

I popped back up to 178 but that is fine. But it sure is odd to be below 180. But I think you're all right, I'll play it by ear and see how it goes. It shocks me that I can still be only consuming maybe 800 calories a day and still functioning and not feeling fatigued.

Crystal Light, yes Riley, that is what I drink now-a-days. I used to be on lemon water but I thought the acidity might be too much so went with the CL. I choose mostly the flavours with some fiber as I need all I can get these days!

I've never been one for stretching, well maybe before runs, but I am so unflexable that it always hurt so much I never continued to try to make myself limber!!

Not much in for training for Saturday's race but I am still hoping to go, espeically if the seeding problems straighten themselves out and I can let one of the kids helping us try it for a 1/2 day under dad's watchful eye. God only knows they could not make a bigger mess of things that I did the previous two days!

Good for you for biking too Riley! I;ve been thinking about investing is a decent road like to get some speed up over my 2 1/2" wide tired mountain bike, way too much friction. I'm just now sure I could ever be bent over like that and still able to breathe!

Well, my son is gone now for two days, my gf is visiting family so I think I am going to make it an early night.


Wow I thought that my problems were over! At least I am finally starting to lisaten to that "little voice". I suddenly had the realization that my canola seeding rate was way, way off. I am normally pretty good at calibrating but for some reason this spring I competely blew it. Normally we target a seeding rate for canola of 5 lb/ac. I ended up, it now appears, going from 17 to 15 to 10 to finally 5 this morning, instead of the 10 to 5 I thought I'd done. Not really too big of a deal it seems but the canola seed is $10/lb. Then start to factor this over oh say 200 acres and you start to see the financial loss! Plus now I have to go and buy more seed since I have run out - ouch!

Then the agro supplier ran out of fertilizer for the second time this spring and I have been waiting since 2:30 and now it is 3 hours later.

But still it is getting better. The seed and fertilizer deliveryhose pluggin problem seems to be possibly over with. I made three passes, then it plugged twice and then maybe 12 or 15 passes without it plugging - I shortened one hose and took some bows out of the lines so the flow would be straighter.

Fun on the farm!

Still 178, 3rd day below 180.

Sure hope Manny gets those new Invo's soon. I'm in dire need of a Z06 pick-me up drive in the worst way...............


Good morning Keith,

The taste was a very important part of the experience! But by all means a nudge might be OK...............

After a 5 hour wait I was finally able to get fertilizer. Maybe this 40 ac bit of seeding might have been the first straight forward stuff with no mistakes. My gf was back after visiting family for 5 days and came out to ride with me and to offer support. The pain is that the 4 hours I lost prevented me from finishing the field and getting into the 1st of my parents. But I am ready to roll this morning, just have to fill with fertilizer that is in the truck already and I am going down the field. As I am massively over-equipped equipment size-wise for the size of the farm it doesn't take me long to get it done, I just need to stop making mistakes and having problems.............

Maybe today is finally the day it goes is normal flawless way??


Glad to hear you may have the plugging issue solved. Boy, at $10/lb for seed, that can add up fast!!!!

Years ago I was helping my friends dad with harvest. I got into the oat field. There is a scale on the JD combine showing how much seed is coming out the back. The problem is that it is adjustable and they couldn't give me any good answers on how to calibrate it. Well, I was going SLOW to me. I think under 3 mph and the meter was pegged so I turned it down to be in the sweet spot. My friends dad came ripping out to the field. Turns out I was dumping a whole bunch of seed out the back of the combine! We estimated I dumped about $4000 of seed on the ground. He said to go about 2 mph (I think) and that the seed on the ground will be our little secret and to not tell the wife. :rofl:

Hopefully you have an easy day and getter done so you can enjoy the yellow dragon when it shows up!
Good evening Riley,

Ah yes, the mysteries of the combine loss monitors! Been there myself.

So I finished seeding my land today, very bittersweet given the screwups on 2/3 of the land but nothing to be done until everything else is seeded so onward ho.

I woke up at 4:30 and decided no point in staying in bed so went to seed at 5:30 and that allowed me to get the field done and then moved into the next one. I switched over to wheat and was merrily seeding that when I suddenly smelled antifreeze and found the small hose that goes through the coolent filter had a whole. Oddly 7/16 ID hose and none to be found. Thankfully there are a pair of valves that can be closed so we could keep going. Then as it was parenting time Dad took over and hopefully it went well.

Best part of the day was actually pickin gup my son and finding out that all the work and practicing we did over the previous 4 weeks paid off and he got 100% on the school spell-a-thon. You don't want to know how many Pokemon cards that cost me!


Awesome Garry! Glad to hear that seeding is finally going well and that you're efforts with your son are not wasted. I sucked at spelling when I was a kid because I would rather play then study. Would have been nice to have some help from the folks but I guess I still made it through school and got a degree, so maybe I was ok.....although building good studying skills back then would have make school easier for the future... :D
Good morning,

So finally my first good day of seeding, over 200 acres and while there were a few goofs nothing as major as in the previous days. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and with luck we should be done by Wednesday and then to help a neighbour or get ready to reseed part of that disaster I created my first two days of seeding and to see if I can fix that up.

Really frustrating to have run out of fertilizer, again, for the third day and this time for 24 hours! But as I was gone to run my second race it made me feel less guilty for being gone as I couldn't have been seeding anyway.

Also my first race that I did with me son! He raced in the 3 km kids 6 to 12 age, with a pace of 5:46 and finished 9th of 28 overall! I was suffering from hobbitle food poisioning - maybe my 7 day of mashed potatoes were not so good after all - and was sick on the way into Grande Prairie Friday night with stops at bathrooms in Fairview, Rycroft and Sexsmith. Upon arriving in GP I was actually vomiting by this time and had such violet shakes that I emersed myself in a tub of straight hot water and then with an extra two blakets on the bed tried to keep warm.

I was feeling rough Saturday morning but it was a case of I'm here, I paid for the hotel and the entry fee so I might as well make the best of it. It was so cool to be lining up with my son in a group of about 300 people that were running3, 10 or 21 km.

My inital pace for the frist 7 km was good, 5:01 but km 7 to 8 it fell to 5:23 (hills) and then the final km a 5:13. So I finished the 10 km with a time of 51:34, a pace of 5:09, 34th of 121 and 3rd of 8 in my division so another placement medal to hang around my neck!!

Best of all I beat Crystal finally, someone I had raced with back in 2008 - 2010 and only ever beat once during that time.

I spent the rest of the day seeding a plot at Falher and then at 9 was back home and in bed.

Now everyone get over to DaSilva and help Manny in whatever way you can so that I can get my car as soon as possible! Let me tell you that I am ready for some seat time with that machine to clear the funk of spring from my mind.......

I'll see if with Colin's good graces he can post some pictures for me again, I know I really ought to learn to do that myself too!


Great news! Glad to hear you did well in the race despite being sick! Your son did very well! Hopefully the fields all get done being seeded so you can relax for a bit and enjoy this lack of snow!
It was a ggod day, another 200 ac done and we should end up on the final field by tomorrow night with some luck. Wednesday will be the finish up day and either to bring the drill home or maybe help a neighbour get finished up.

Then back to things like field trips with my son and his class, running in the afternoons along the dike and pining for my car!! I can't wait for it to get here so I can enjoy it now that seeding will not be distracting me.


And I'm mistaken! Since I didn't wait for the final results my race was even better than expected. I thought I was 34th of 121 and 3rd of 8 in my divison but the final results were just posed and I was 34th of 247 and 3rd of 15 in my division! For a guy that was throwing up the night before the race I am pretty darn pleased right now!

34/247 ROPCHAN, GARRY 00:51:33.60 05:09 10KR40-49M 3/15


34th out of 247 is awesome!!! With the top 3 finish to boot! Fantastic!!!! Now those 34 people who were quicker, just ask them if they would like to race in their cars to see who is faster! :D
Yes, a combo foot/tire biathalon would be something I think I would do rather well in!!!

Frig, out of fertilizer again in town, shut down since 8:45 this morning.......can you spell PO'ed?? Fourth time this spring this has happened.
So down for 12 hours! 200 acres of seeding lost again! Fertilizer arrived at 8 last night and so my gf and I went out for 2 horus and I seeding all of the field and two of nine strips in the plot and so I should be done early this morning and then moved out to the final two fields. But I won't be done until tomorrow instead of it being today.

I really REALLY need my car! Nothing would cure this frustration than a brief WOT in my DaSilva Z06!!!! I can almost feel the rumbling in my back.........

So here is to hoping for uninterupted fertilizer deliveries today.


Sounds like the street market value of fertilizer should be going up in GP! That stuff is more difficult to get than cocaine! A few more of these interruptions and I could see farmers hijacking the trucks bringing the fertilizer in so they can finish their fields! :rofl:
Good morning Riley,

Yes, I sure am not happy about losing 3 days for a lack of fertilizer! I am trying to be hopeful, I'm just home for a work conference call and back to the field. Dad is seeding for me. I could get done tonight but it will require a flawless day and still it will take until 9 pm. But it could happen. Then 10 ac of peas to seed tomorrow. My neighbour appears to have at least 9 fields to seed and at $20/ac and being able to do 200 ac a day I'd sure like a piece of that action but I am tired.

The problem is you prebuy and prepay for the fertilizer in December so it is not as if they'll refund your money and you can go elsewhere and who wants to have a credit for a few 10,000's for 12 months to try to get fertilizer there again??



75 ac to go and shut down by a shower. But the light at the end of the tunnel is like Wayne's new HID lights!! So an easy job to finish, I may even go out later tonight if it doesn't get any wetter............


The farming industry really has the farmer by the nuts don't they? That would be great if you could help out your neighbor and put a little moo-la in your pocket at the same time. My friends dad farms and is convinced the grain companies are trying to kill off the family farm so they can take over and turn them all corporate so they can control everything from start to finish.
I worry less about the way that the industry holds back the farmer than my dad......

I went out early this morning to get it all done up. Finished his canola at 11, head to the field to seed the field peas, just 10 acres, will take all of 20 minutes to do. Get to the farm, dad decides he wants to have lunch. Then that he's not sure how to load the pea seed to take it to the field. Get out there, get the seed loaded, drill calibrated and it is about 2 and I have to leave to get my son. I've made a round around the field and everything is OK. Dad tells me that he owon't seed, that they're going to move the truck and tractor we loaded the seed with back to the farm and when I get back from getting my son at school he'll watch my son and I can finish seeding the peas. WTF? As a consequence it rains, now almost an inch. The peas are not seeded, the field will be too wet for probably two days and my drill is in the field and not home in the yard.

And people wonder why I sound pissed all the time??!!

But yes, there are fears that corporations could control food production. Companies like Cargill control the world's raw grain distribution and actually Cargill also controls probably 60% of cattle slaughtered in Canada at the moment too. But they'd never make the investment to buy the land and to grow the grain themselves. Why do that when there are still so many idiot primary producers that are willing to thake the risk to grow it for them and to undertake the capital investment instead of them?? They have the goose that lays the golden egg by the nuts!

Trust me, if they thought there was profit in actually owning the land they would. But they are happy to get the grain for cheap instead without having to own the land or to produce it themselves.

If people ever thing that 8% of their income is high to spend on food now just wait!!!!


Holy smoke! I just got bowled over by a UTI!! I will never, ever accuse a woman of over exagurating how painful this is. For men while I do understand it is more painful but it feels like a poker being shoved up my manhood whenever I try to dribble a little urine out. It certainly took the bounce out of my step today. And of course when I was on my way into GP to do some shopping and to go for a run around the lake. Now I have to be within 30 to 60 seconds of a bathroom or go get a box of "Depends"!


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