Geesh -- no wonder it hasn't warmed up here yet. -- we're getting all that cold from you, Garry.
Get on the horn to Steamer in Comox and have him send some warm stuff your way. It's just like spring where he is.:D

Won't be long now -- no worries.......we're all gettin' a little antsy waiting for 'vette weather.....and Garry and a few others waiting for their cars to be ready and delivered for the season........:D

Good morning,

Well, on the edge of the uncharted.

190 lb!!

I am surprised that I'm still losing weight this quickly. But I've built up a supply of chocolate covered peanuts in case I need to bring things to a stop.

I'll try to hold at this point for a few days and then proceed to go into the 180's.

Went to see the dentist, I heard the word crown so often my mouth might end up becoming the new "Royal Family".........

Two more appointments, March 28th and April 9th. This will cause major problems for coming to get the car in terms of fitting the trip in with being with my son. So I am contemplating other options.

1)waiting until after seeding
2)coming down for a couple of days but having to ship the car to Edmonton and not driving it back myself
3)still trying to see if I can fit it in according to the original plan and drive it home but something will have to give at this end - time with my son??

But By God 190 lb sure is fun! Planning on going to GP on Sunday for training with the club as they started last Sunday. Not something I'll be able to do often but it would be nice to see old running friends again and to draw of the energy of a few 100 people out for training.


Oh my, Garry -- sounds like you're disappearing on us.......Time for a big juicy Alberta Steak with all the trimmings .. :canada:

Crown work -- tell me about it.:confused: sympathies for sure, especially if you have no insurance coverage.

Don't worry about the car -- it's safe and sound right here -- LOL, we're still in the middle of winter anyway -- (yeah I know the calender says spring but so far she's a stick-in-the-ice no-show).

Transporting the car back to you is no biggie in the big picture ... You can visit here any time later on.
How about coming for the COPING event (May 25th) and not worrying about driving the car all the way home? You could have that shipped any time.
Just a thought.

Went to see the dentist, I heard the word crown so often my mouth might end up becoming the new "Royal Family".........



Hahahaha! That is way too funny!:rofl:

Awesome job on the 190lb achievement! Wooooooooooooooooooo! Fantastic Garry! I hope your schedule will work for getting to drive your car back. It's frustrating when schedules collide.
Garry whow......190lbs...congrats!! I know farmers......with this looking like a potentially later spring the rush will be on to get the seed in the ground. Wouldn't you be so much more relaxed going to pick your vette up with your son, having that awesome time together driving home, while your seed is germinating, setting strong roots preparing itself for a bumper crop!!
Good morning gentlemen,

Yes, when I got the estimate for the first two crowns and it was $2100 it was a bit of a shock. But thankfully I'm on (and still on as far as I know!) my gf's work policy and it will cover about 80% which makes it a more easily bit to swallow.

While there would be opportunities to still drive the car, like when I have to pick my son up at school once seeding hits the car would be stationary in the driveway but still very pretty to see in the morning as I head out to go seeding or spraying.

And lets remember if I need a part and it is 1/4 mile away and they close in say 10.5 seconds I can get there now! Or if the dealer is say about 220 miles away and Ionly have an hour to get there that should be possible too!

Under ideal circumstances I would wait until my son was out of school and do the trip with him but that would mean missing out on most of June with the car and I'm not really willing to entertain that.

So that is why yesterday I started thinking about coming down for a few days to drive the car a bit, meet all the people in the area and then have it shipped. But nothing is written in stone yet. I'm sure gas, hotels, time etc. would be as much or more than shipping, just no 4 or 5 glorious days driving across our great country in the greatest car in the world and what price those memories??

Bumper crops! Lets hope so! Its going into canola and prices are strong so lets hope there are many railcars to ship out!!!!!


For anyone wondering what a canola bumper crop looks like...............


Good luck Garry on whatever decision you make to get that beast home.
Good morning guys!

Not much new. Still floating 190 - 191 range. Probably from the massive volumes of chocolate covered peanuts, almonds and raisins I've been eating!!

Still running and it goes better. I went to Grande Prairie twice now to go out with the running club, meeting people I have not talked with in three years, being back on the trails where I spent so much time in 2008 and 2009, very nostalgic!

Turned in a 7.35 km, 5:49 pace run on Sunday on trails that were very icy and had lots of standing water so I was pleased with that result.

Found out that the reason I haven't gotten results from my 3rd railcar of grain shipped to the CWB is that.......5 weeks later they still haven't unlaoded it yet! WTF. And they wonder why farmers didn't want to be forced to sell their wheat to them pre-2012??????

A few warm days, snow is melting, apparently 30 to 50 km winds today, +8 with rain of all things! But back down to -15 in three days with snow.

Today or tomorrow my son arrived for my 6 days of Easter with him.

Still trying to get my calendar to show me a series of 4 or 5 days when I can come to Ontario!! Probably post 9th now..........

Auction sale season, I need another beater grain truck.

Getting rid of more clothes too, weight loss happened faster than body shrinkage!

Colin has a picture from my Easter run, maybe he'll be kind enough to post it here for me?? I should be good for a laugh.


Not arrived yet Garry -- but I'm watching for it. My guess is that I'll have it b4 I'm finished this post.

Sounds like you're getting warmer daytime temps than we are right now but much colder at night.
It's cold here (for us) and damp, at about or just below freezing. Snow flurries are very common and often in the last 2 days and getting very long in the tooth, with all the snowing, salting and cleansing rain -- yada yada yada.

No plans to sell the vette in favour of a snowmobile but that may change soon.

Just might do that anyway since up there the gun problem isn't so prevalent but there's lots of snow.....:D

Great to have time with your son -- I don't spend nearly enough time with mine and wish I could. Enjoy.

Send warmth eastward please. We're sick of the snow from the south and the cold from the north.

Looking outside and guess what's it's doing..........(again) :swear:

I'll post your pic ASAIR.


Garry said:
Good morning guys!

Not much new. Still floating 190 - 191 range. Probably from the massive volumes of chocolate covered peanuts, almonds and raisins I've been eating!!

Still running and it goes better. I went to Grande Prairie twice now to go out with the running club, meeting people I have not talked with in three years, being back on the trails where I spent so much time in 2008 and 2009, very nostalgic!

Turned in a 7.35 km, 5:49 pace run on Sunday on trails that were very icy and had lots of standing water so I was pleased with that result.

Found out that the reason I haven't gotten results from my 3rd railcar of grain shipped to the CWB is that.......5 weeks later they still haven't unlaoded it yet! WTF. And they wonder why farmers didn't want to be forced to sell their wheat to them pre-2012??????

A few warm days, snow is melting, apparently 30 to 50 km winds today, +8 with rain of all things! But back down to -15 in three days with snow.

Today or tomorrow my son arrived for my 6 days of Easter with him.

Still trying to get my calendar to show me a series of 4 or 5 days when I can come to Ontario!! Probably post 9th now..........

Auction sale season, I need another beater grain truck.

Getting rid of more clothes too, weight loss happened faster than body shrinkage!

Colin has a picture from my Easter run, maybe he'll be kind enough to post it here for me?? I should be good for a laugh.



As requested tho a little late due to slow server:

Hey GArry, just got the picture in at 3:20 local time -- about 4 hours after being sent.....Talk about snail mail........:rofl:

None the less: better late than never .....

As mentioned by Garry above, his Easter run pic......I must say he looks like he can really hop to it these days. Lookin' good Garry and kudos for the run:

Awesome pic Garry!!! You do look quite a bit different! Great job!

As for my own update....things seem to be on a downward slide. Still the same weight but the good news is the wife says I feel thinner when she hugs me. I've been finding out these past couple weeks that my cardio is sh*t. In our fitness class, we do these things called mountain climbers and top end burpies. These kick my ass so bad I am embarrassed. I think it took close to 10 minutes to complete 100 mountain climbers, 50 burpies and 50 pushups because I was huffing so hard and my legs were burning!

Phase 2 of getting in better shape includes biking to work and I gave up Coke for April....3 days down, 27 to go!.....hahaha. I'm also going to start including some mountain climbers and top end burpies into my nightly routine. I don't want these things to beat me!!!! However, now I am dealing with a shoulder issue which is demotivating. I hope the physio peeps on Monday can help me out and get me back on track!!!
Good morning Riley,

Easter at the acreage with my son this morning, 4 baskets of treats later. Now I can store the bunny ears for another year.

It is really hard to adjust to seeing myself like that. I should really break down and send Colin a picture to post of me from "the old days" to give you some idea of what I used to look like.

You may experience the thing I'm going through. My body is still shrinking even though the scale is staying the same. An odd experience.

Don't give up and just think about how good you're going to feel when you start getting closer to your goal. What am I probably looking forward to the most? Not having a heart attack when the tractor air conditioner stops working during seeding!! Perhaps not suffering in the heat any longer like I used to, that I would say was probably the worst part of being obese. Those 4 to 5 day stretches of 30 to 35 above were so very hard to take. Now I don't have to be worrying about that any more, perhaps I might in the end even come to enjoy the heat.

Great work on weening off the soda pop. You will not regret this at all! $ saved for better things. It is sad but I've been listening to a documentary about how processed food companies work with sugar, salt and fat to give their products addictive qualities. Maybe a lesson they learned from big tobacco? But every time I hear of someone unshackling themselves it makes me so happy. Good job Riley!

Odd how I had a sore shoulder, I thought from too rapid arm swinging when I was walking, my gf is just going through this and now you are too........hopefully it passes as mine seemed to.


A better start to the week.

Went and picked up my new mower deck, 72" this time. When you've got 2 1/2 acres of lawn you don't want to be cutting it 'til the cows come home, so to speak!

While I did see, for the 1st time 189 lb I could not hold it and rebounded to 190. Drat!

My Corvette Central t-shirt ("You Can't Beat These Z's") and seat covers came in today. So I have to start getting my crowns in my teeth done tomorrow so I'll take them to the embrodery place in Peace River and see about the cost of having the 744 RHWP put on them.

So opinions please, should it be:

744 rwhp or 744 RWHP

and since it is on black should I also go with yellow stitching as is the middle of the seat covers??????

Should I add the 658 rw torque below the rwhp or just leave it with the rwhp?????

A high of +1 today..........should be +8..........


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