Great news about the weight Garry, and no mention of having to fill grain cars in site! The car's final numbers are in and everything appears to be on the up and up!...or is that up and down with your running speed and weight?:rofl:

I wish you the best in the next couple weeks with the gf. I hope nothing but good comes out of this for the both of you and your son.
Good morning Riley

Actually railcars had been expected this week, they should have been here yesterday which makes sense given the cold and wind but for some reason CN did not bring cars.........I'm oddly good with that! Shows how my luck is really good sometimes!!


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Hey Garry good news about the weight -- you're doing so well......Isn't it nice to wonder what weight to level off at.....You're at the right end of the scale now --- congrats.

No worries on being lucky -- It goes in cycles don't worry -- In down times you'll need the memories of how lucky you were. It all evens out in the end.

Glad to hear things are working out well at home too. You guys all seem like you've got a handle on things and working together to sort things out.

Now if only we can be patient enough to let mother nature do her thing in her time........that's tough .. We're all blessed with a little impatience at times.

The wait will be well worth it tho, I'm sure.

Keep up the great work and wish the whole family well please.

Good afternoon!

All is well, survived yesterdays 60 km/hr winds - that was something else!

194 now for the past 4 days. Still feels good.

Started working harder on running, big progress of 2 min run/1 min recover reps. Did 6 and then 4 km two days ago, lasted 5 km in the wind yesterday and did 10 km this morning - a time of 65 min which I was pleased with. I know some people who race that don't do 10 km in 70 minutes running without any walk breaks so I was happy I could do that. Might not have much opportunity later in the week. Wednesday-Saturday looks poor with snow, flurries and -20 temps. Good thing my parka is still hanging by the door.

GF is moving out onm Friday/Saturday but we sure have been getting along a whole lot better since she made the decision to leave. Saw her new place on Saturday too.

Just goes to show that it is not the decision that you made one way or another that is the problem it is making the decision that is so important. I think we're both sad that she is moving out but we'll see where that brings us afterward. it could turn out to be the best thing ever.

I told her that we shouldn't be sad that it came to this as it was better we tried to see if we could live together rather than to be thinking about what it would have been like.


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Well, don't feel too bad about the weather! I think the melt is coming! At least around here. Calling for temps to get just above 0 starting next week. It'll be a long process to melt this snow, but it's starting. It's also noticeably lighter out when I drive to work! Spring is coming!!!!

Awesome to hear about the running! Impressive!

Soon I start biking to work as with this melt and freezing, it makes the roads extremely bumpy and as I don't have suspension on my commuter, I don't think my wrists can take it again. So, once the streets melt, a biking I will go!

Glad to hear everything is on the level with you and the gf! Best wishes in the move!
Well here we go. Garry has asked me to post some b4 and after pics of himself during his transition to under 200 lbs.
Very commendable Garry and you're looking great. I'll bet your son and your sweetheart are very proud of you as we are....Kudos brother.......
You're a good act to follow. I've got some work to do too :D

3 before pics:



and 2 after pics:

Don't know what else to say but WOW!! What you have accomplished is very commendable. Congratulations Garry!
Good morning!

Thanks Colin for posting the pictures and thanks everyone for your positive comments.

It is hard to look at the pictures from just three months ago and to see how I was abusing myself through over-eating. But all things come to pass and I have to instead focus on how lucky I was to be able to bring about a change in my life.

It is odd to feel so vital now and full on energy and while I wouldn't have said I was a sloth back then I'm full of piss and vinegar about life now!

I thought it would give a few of you a chuckle to see just what a difference it makes in a person, for me the best part is having dimples again since my face is not so chubby anymore!!!!

Time to venture outside into -20 but with only a 5 km wind, but lots of snow to be shovelled from yesterday afternoon. I sure hope this is our last shot of winter..........


Way to go once again Garry......That's quite an accomplishment.
Anyone with a weight problem and who has tried to lose knows how difficult it can be. Changing habits and lifestyle isn't easy and the older you get the more difficult it is. (I can personally attest to that).
Watching someone achieve their goals and biting the bullet is an inspiration tho, and proves that it can be done with hard work and determination.

We've also had another taste of winter, not nearly as cold or severe as yours, Garry, but a taste none the less; but I believe spring is not far off when we can get our beloved 'vettes out once again.

Keep up the great work and thanks for the inspiration for those of us who need it.......:D

Good morning!

Here is my local weather this morning. Please note the normal high for this time of year of +1. Not much gets me depressed these days but this does. Worst of all is nothing good even six days down the road.

Peace River, Alberta - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada

I managed to stay outside for 32 minutes. Of course this is also Family Friday at my son's school whcih means I get to drive there abd back twice instead of once. Plus my poor gf is starting to move today to boot.........

Please send heat!


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