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Clay bar and Rejex treatment today.

No,not a mistake! It works on glass too. Seals it up nicely and the bugs don't stick there either. Great stuff for the price. I put it on the Liberty a year ago and water still runs off like crazy. Never had any regular wax last this long.
Just clay bared the vette for the first time today. What a beautiful result. Now it will be the Rejex treatment tomorrow afternoon while she sits patiently in the garage. Have only driven it about eight miles this year yet. After the Rejex she will get used and used this year. Thanks for this thread and all the beautiful info and especially the pictures with the results of the treatments.

(Never heard of clay bar till I joined this site).
Put another treatment on mine last weekend. Sure makes it shine and lasts all season. I need to do my D.D. again. After the harsh winter it is starting to wain; but it held up well for nearly a year.
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