80th Fighter Group "Burma Banshee" pilots with their 1944 Christmas present to Hirohito--a gaily decorated bomb attached to the wing of a 10th Air Force fighter plane. (Courtesy National Archives)
The last time I saw the Blue Angles live was at the Exhibition air show in Toronto 1966 when I was 13 years old. I'm 67 now. One of the Angles crashed and the pilot was killed. I was with my father on Wards Island when the turbine from the engine rocketed across the island airport destroying some light planes then through a 10 foot chain link fence then hitting a huge tree about 50 feet from where we were standing and we felt the thud in the ground. The one thing that has always puzzled me is it's very hard to find much about this crash. I was there so I know it happened but difficult to find news stories about it. I was also there in 1995 and watched a British Nimrod crash into lake Ontario. I haven't been to an airshow since.