Canada only got 3.9% of 2022 Corvettes

Do not know. On another forum, it was last Thursday allocations were happening. Mind you it is a US discussion group that said this.
This being Canada....there seems to be a time delay.
That same forum said Aug 11 for next drop.
I placed an order with the dealer June 2021. So 13 month wait.
How did you get your allocation so soon?! Cam has been #3 at his dealer since last week...
Hi Guys, I have been on a list with Spencer's for a new Stingray since June 11, 2021. With the latest allocation (5 in July) I am now 20 on the list. It is just my opinion but I believe if everyone was less secretive about the dealer they have, their number on that dealers list, etc. there would be much less confusion about about when your allocation will arrive.
I'm just hoping I will receive an allocation for a 2023. fingers crossed!
Good idea Paul.
Put my deposit at Cullens March 13 2021.
I was told May 24th that I was number 7 at that time. They got only 2 in June so I was 5 the beginning of July. From what I hear they got 7 in July so I should be in but have had no information from the dealership at all.
I was interested to hear from an earlier post that you could put order preferences in. I have not been told anything about that option.
This is all so secretive up here in Canuck land. Not at all like the US. It does leave me wondering. Anyways will post up if I hear anything today.
The Dealer, where I got the allocation, showed me a screen shot of allocations for Canada this cycle.
Canada is getting 132 Z51's and 32 Sting Rays.
Basically one day's production. Yikes!
Historically , they sold 9 to 12 Vettes a year. In 13 months since I placed the Dealer order they have had 6 allocations. I was #6 13 months ago.
The Dealer, where I got the allocation, showed me a screen shot of allocations for Canada this cycle.
Canada is getting 132 Z51's and 32 Sting Rays.
Basically one day's production. Yikes!
Historically , they sold 9 to 12 Vettes a year. In 13 months since I placed the Dealer order they have had 6 allocations. I was #6 13 months ago.
wow I did not know that dealers could see the total allocation for Canada.

132 z51s and only 32 base Stingrays, so that means that guys waiting for non-z51 cars will be waiting longer?

I don't think this is how allocations work, as every allocation can be a base or a z51, coupe or HTC as long as they are not on constraint.

correction: I just found out that the base C8 is on partial constraint which explains 132 Z51's and 32 Stingrays
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The Dealer, where I got the allocation, showed me a screen shot of allocations for Canada this cycle.
Canada is getting 132 Z51's and 32 Sting Rays.
Basically one day's production. Yikes!
Historically , they sold 9 to 12 Vettes a year. In 13 months since I placed the Dealer order they have had 6 allocations. I was #6 13 months ago.

It’s too bad we don’t get 164 a month year round as we would average 1968 units a year which we received in 2020 and 2021
The Dealer, where I got the allocation, showed me a screen shot of allocations for Canada this cycle.
Canada is getting 132 Z51's and 32 Sting Rays.
Basically one day's production. Yikes!
Historically , they sold 9 to 12 Vettes a year. In 13 months since I placed the Dealer order they have had 6 allocations. I was #6 13 months ago.
Correction for me as well.
130 Z51's not 132 plus
32 Sting Rays.
I conflated the 130 with 32. My bad. 😉
I'd still like to know how they conduct the split with Canadian dealers. Maybe its whoever submits orders first?
I think each dealership is advised by GM Canada Head Office Sales exactly what they are getting at the time. It's a bit of a convoluted calculation. Other forums, and maybe this one, explains the math. They went to a modified model trying to discourage US Dealer markups above MSRP and potentially Dealers here too. Basically, how fast are you moving the inventory , favouring sold factory orders etc.
Demand far outstrips production and supply chain capability.
How much is production down from the C7 overall? I find it very hard to believe that it’s next to impossible getting a new Corvette while in 2014 you could walk into a dealership and see brand new Stingrays inside of the showroom.
Apples to oranges, different cars, different decades, different economies and different demand for the vehicle. It is a fact that it is very different to get a C8, and will only get worse
How much is production down from the C7 overall? I find it very hard to believe that it’s next to impossible getting a new Corvette while in 2014 you could walk into a dealership and see brand new Stingrays inside of the showroom.
The first 2 years (2014 and 2015) of C7 production there were 71,528 cars produced of which 3,221 came to Canada. 2020 and 2021 saw 54,669 C8's produced of which 4,072 came to Canada. There were few 2014 Vettes in showrooms and only marginally more 2015's the next year. My dealer had 3 when I purchased my 2015. Last summer they had 10 2021 C8's on the showroom floor all at once one day I dropped in. Coupes and HTC's. All of them were available for sale at MSRP ++. Denis is correct as well. Different car and different demographic. The C8's are available for anyone not holding out for MSRP as dealer see big bucks to be made and don't want the customer making it instead of them. It's the C8 flippers out there that brought that on. The dealers that still sell for MSRP are therefore swamped with customers orders.
I was fortunate enough to have received the call this past Friday that my order was submitted. I'm one of those 130 Z51 the anxious wait!!!
Z51, MSRC, HTC, Torch Red, AR GT2 2 tone, Aero delete, Carbon Flash everything but the roof and nacelles.
ACS 1VM skirts.
We'll all hope for fast delivery.
Yes, that’s a great build. Will look amazing!
CamsC8, how did you spec your build?

I went back to a coupe (had a 21 HTC), Z51 with Mag Ride, Transparent Roof, stealth pkg, high wing, Blk tips.

I'm keeping color, trim etc a secret but I can say I didn't return to Orange.
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