Boring Garage Syndrome

Even though I have a garage my purchase will probably end up just like you, under a pile of snow or a tempo. I tried researching this summer for storage for a future car and I didn't really find anything or the very few that seemed honest.

The important thing is you have thrills and smiles waiting for you in a couple of months.

Actually, I'm still driving it. :D


It's my only car.
EJChevy you definitely need some storage. I'm shivering just looking at the picture. I try to protect the tires from flat spots and use wheel dollies to cradle them lined with carpet.
EJChevy you definitely need some storage. I'm shivering just looking at the picture. I try to protect the tires from flat spots and use wheel dollies to cradle them lined with carpet.

Those dollies look really good!
As most of us are staring outside, then back inside, then into the garage, lift the cover, repeat, then after seeing some of the garages like RONSTERZ06 and Rruuff Day, a garage with character, I realise my garage is the most boring garage in the CCF
Due to the lack of driving now and we all seem to have some spare time, lets see some garage pictures. They will all be less boring than mine.View attachment 34424
A coat of paint will make a huge difference. You can slowly add posters, badges or signs and build from there. You have the space and your garage looks finished with drywall. A little elbow grease and it will look amazing.
Lots of nice looking garages, I'm jealous of the space most of you have. Looks like I've got the smallest, messiest garage. Definitely no room for a beer fridge or nice posters on the walls! I call it controlled chaos... Fortunately, I added some garage space at the country place.

BTW, I agree EJChevy's car looks extra special against the snow, and Rockitman you have a potential masterpiece in the making...


sept 2011 169.JPG
It could just be the picture, but the most important item seems to be missing.....the refrigerator....Please restore my faith and tell me it’s just not in view.
Nope, takes up too much floor space and just burns electricity for nothing.

Kitchen is just to the left in that picture and I can literally touch the fridge from the doorway...
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When restoring cars, our garage was pretty dark. Once done with them, I drywalled the place and painted it. New doors with glass windows also helped to brighten the place up too. The Olds LSS with the supercharged 3.8 is our other summer car for when we need extra seating.
Bought it from Costco. Its vented underneath. You can actually walk on it with no shoes and as long as the garage is warm the floor stays pretty warm too. Just snaps together like a puzzle piece. A buddy and me did it in an afternoon. I really like it.

How do you clean them? I saw several videos. Some show using a shop vac, others a pressure washer. Will small stones and debris will fall in the cracks between the tiles or are the seams tight?
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