First Post Correction
Hey all,
I would like to bring to light an error I may have made when originally creating this thread.
The source of information for "7 orders accepted across Canada" comes from a tool we use at the dealership for locating inventory at other dealerships. The software listed one at Bill Spencer Chevrolet and 6 others across the country.
There are two types of order entries: Retail-Stock and Retail-Sold. 'Retail-Stock' orders are for dealer inventory and 'Retail-Sold' are for custom builds for a specific customer.
We can see both, or so we thought.
It turns out, we can see 'Retail-Sold' orders when they reach Event 5000 - 'Delivered to Dealer'. Perhaps, and I'm still not 100% certain of this, but there is enough supporting evidence for the argument - we cannot see 'Retail-Sold' prior to reaching Event 5000 - this includes Event-3000 'Accepted by Production Control'.
Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that my initial notification from September 28th, 2019, that was only 7 2020 Corvettes accepted across all of Canada is incorrect. There may be significantly more in Event 3000, the exact number I do not have access to discovering.
I apologize for the misinformation. My intention participating in this forum is to bring information and assist people with regards to everything related to the Corvette, especially new information coming from GM. This was a mistake on my behalf. I understand it spreads quickly and users of this site have come to rely on me for accurate information.
I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.