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Will the C8 really be able to compete with other mid-engine sports cars?

More info on Ferrari:
I hope you had a great weekend. The Ferrari 7 year maintenance program covers all service items for 7 years (oil, filters, belts, spark plugs etc) it does not include wearable items such as tires or brakes. The warranty is bumper to bumper 3 years and an extended warranty is available at additional cost. The cars also come with 3 years roadside assistance that is continued with the warranty if you add the extended warranty. I can honestly tell you the cars are bulletproof.
The one I like 2014 458 spider would necessitate me writing a cheque for over $350K. You can imagine what a new 488 would cost with taxes in - crazy price!! ($550K ?) I need a few more million to even consider the 2014; even then, it would be tough to write a cheque - LOL. Hey, when you are in B.C. and I need a lawyer for a ticket, can you help an old retiree out?
Anytime JCWP!!! Judy and I will be in town next week Nov 7 8 9 10 11 and head back to SK on 12. The Ferraris with good dual clutch transmissions...458 and 488 are priced too high right now for me. To answer Zora's question....I think the Vette will be a huge contender if: they get the styling right....colors right...along with the other things you mentioned. The big sticking point for me will be price. The prices are staggering to you because that's what the rest of the world pays for these cars outside the USA. I hear Australia is double Canada....at least. I'm thinking the Z06 variant of the C8 will be somewhere in the $200K range. If the styling etc. is "exotic enough" and I can get the car in an eye catching color as show with the McLaren above, then it'll be in the running. I'm not worried about performance. Team Corvette just won the drivers championship against Fords GT.....with an "old Z06"...lol. They know what they're doing at Chevy....I just want to be able to walk up go the car and not regret spending my $$$ on a McLaren Ferrari or Lambo...
Good points flyboy999! Wonder when the 20220 ME will finally get revealed?

Question please for this south-of-the-border person, if at the time the 2021 ME Z06 is revealed, it has a $100,000 US MSRP, and if at that time the exchange rate is the same .76 it is today, are there additional costs needing to be paid by Canadians that would further inflate its price, e.g., what would its OTD price be (and thank for breaking down what part of those out of the door costs would be taxes and tags)?

I am trying to figure if there are other, unknown to me “inflators.” Thanks for helping me learn.
Good points flyboy999! Wonder when the 20220 ME will finally get revealed?

Question please for this south-of-the-border person, if at the time the 2021 ME Z06 is revealed, it has a $100,000 US MSRP, and if at that time the exchange rate is the same .76 it is today, are there additional costs needing to be paid by Canadians that would further inflate its price, e.g., what would its OTD price be (and thank for breaking down what part of those out of the door costs would be taxes and tags)?

I am trying to figure if there are other, unknown to me “inflators.” Thanks for helping me learn.
Good points flyboy999! Wonder when the 20220 ME will finally get revealed?

Question please for this south-of-the-border person, if at the time the 2021 ME Z06 is revealed, it has a $100,000 US MSRP, and if at that time the exchange rate is the same .76 it is today, are there additional costs needing to be paid by Canadians that would further inflate its price, e.g., what would its OTD price be (and thank for breaking down what part of those out of the door costs would be taxes and tags)?

I am trying to figure if there are other, unknown to me “inflators.” Thanks for helping me learn.

Insurance....ICBC is "kinda funny"....If purchased in BC and registered there 26% tax....on $200K....transport fees.....
Good points flyboy999! Wonder when the 20220 ME will finally get revealed?

Question please for this south-of-the-border person, if at the time the 2021 ME Z06 is revealed, it has a $100,000 US MSRP, and if at that time the exchange rate is the same .76 it is today, are there additional costs needing to be paid by Canadians that would further inflate its price, e.g., what would its OTD price be (and thank for breaking down what part of those out of the door costs would be taxes and tags)?

I am trying to figure if there are other, unknown to me “inflators.” Thanks for helping me learn.

I may get corrected on this John but the dollar exchange is typically the only major additional cost over US MSRP I have witnessed....Now, with that being said, on a new release model which will likely only see a handful coming to Canada in the first year or so, the dealers tend to be a bit scum-baggish here and inflate well above MSRP just because the number of cars is limited and the demand is high. The ZR1 is a prime example with prices ranging from 185k to 225k.... (although I have seen the ZR1 prices starting to level out. Yes.... Vehicular rape does flourish here...
No extra taxes over our 5% GST in Alberta. And as insurance goes, I pay less for the Corvette than my Ford diesel truck (which is 20 years old)... Go figure...
I keep getting an error message; ergo, can't post reply etc.?
Anytime JCWP!!! Judy and I will be in town next week Nov 7 8 9 10 11 and head back to SK on 12. The Ferraris with good dual clutch transmissions...458 and 488 are priced too high right now for me. To answer Zora's question....I think the Vette will be a huge contender if: they get the styling right....colors right...along with the other things you mentioned. The big sticking point for me will be price. The prices are staggering to you because that's what the rest of the world pays for these cars outside the USA. I hear Australia is double Canada....at least. I'm thinking the Z06 variant of the C8 will be somewhere in the $200K range. If the styling etc. is "exotic enough" and I can get the car in an eye catching color as show with the McLaren above, then it'll be in the running. I'm not worried about performance. Team Corvette just won the drivers championship against Fords GT.....with an "old Z06"...lol. They know what they're doing at Chevy....I just want to be able to walk up go the car and not regret spending my $$$ on a McLaren Ferrari or Lambo...
I agree! I just want the 500HP model more than enough for me - would like vert - so, hope available out of the shoots. Bring your rain gear to Vancouver. Your kids will be in school - so, just you and Judy? If you have time, and are so inclined, we could hook-up for a brew or coffee? In any case, since you are here for a short period I am sure you have lots to do.
I agree! I just want the 500HP model more than enough for me - would like vert - so, hope available out of the shoots. Bring your rain gear to Vancouver. Your kids will be in school - so, just you and Judy? If you have time, and are so inclined, we could hook-up for a brew or coffee? In any case, since you are here for a short period I am sure you have lots to do.
Hey JCWP, yes, rain gear and warm clothes. It's actually been colder out there than it has been in SK!!! Just Judy and I, with a few things to do, but we try to keep it pretty light. It would be great to get together. A beer sounds good. Perhaps you can come up with a pub etc. on the North Shore that you prefer........ I'll shoot you a PM when we get in town. Cheers.
Hey JCWP, yes, rain gear and warm clothes. It's actually been colder out there than it has been in SK!!! Just Judy and I, with a few things to do, but we try to keep it pretty light. It would be great to get together. A beer sounds good. Perhaps you can come up with a pub etc. on the North Shore that you prefer........ I'll shoot you a PM when we get in town. Cheers.
The Tap House - Park Royal Mall area? Great!!
... Toys for boys (and girls)....
... passing along an appreciative "thank you" from two who resemble that remark :thumbs: ...

... in regard to the Mustang or Hell-kitty or Demon, to me, it's for when comparing to GM's 4-seat beast(s) ...
prevalent in my past (Z28 & Grand Prix GTP/GTX) ... just no longer "the dream".
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