Mine was built also a bit Before SteelMan the same day. Now at 4300 in transit to Ohio from B.G.
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I got this from my reseller.
Maybe Ontario/Québec cars pass thru Toledo, Detroit/Windsor , Ingersoll is on the rail to Toronto/Montreal and from Montreal to dealers by truck.
Yes, likely by rail, but isn't Ingersoll a rail yard?
I believe all cars going by rail are trucked to toledo then loaded on railcars for all rail destinations. IIRC, Ingersol is a big vehicle mixing facility for cars going by truck. Eg: Trucked from BG to ingersol, off loaded, then loaded on a different truck for delivery in Ontario.
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Having seen MacMulkin and Criswell lists get to 3300 as of this past Friday with Jan 25th TPWs, I assume us January 18 TPWs will go 3400 tomorrow!
Some will and some won't. It's been my observation that 3400 comes 6 to 8 days before the build DAY. That could change with the numbers they are / will build of course.
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