Where are all of the C8's - Right here in front of me (Ciocca interview)

Thanks for sharing! Any plans for a Corvette Cruise to Atlantic City? Just asking...
I drive up every year as a family trip to head to our favorite summer spot Wildwood NJ and while down there stop in at Atlantic City and Cape May. The Vette would not have enough space to carry all of our beach gear and suitcases. We travel heavy and even with an extended size truck like the VW Atlas it is packed solid. So I don’t see a long cruise to the US happening anytime soon with the C8, but I am stoked to head back to Ciocca while down there. I think I went 3 times during a 10 day vacay with the fam. Let’s see what cars they have going out when I get there, but before visiting Ciocca, will be hanging with Tears For Fears at the Hard Rock in AC
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