What do you use to dry your car?

Most here I would imagine have air compressors in their garages. Just get a 50 ft. or so extension hose to run it outside to the car, and for a few bucks at princess auto the appropriate air wand can be used to blow all the water off the car. Also more pressure than a leaf blower. This will also help in just blowing water off instantly as you rinse , then no water sits for more than a minute (or even less).
Most here I would imagine have air compressors in their garages. Just get a 50 ft. or so extension hose to run it outside to the car, and for a few bucks at princess auto the appropriate air wand can be used to blow all the water off the car. Also more pressure than a leaf blower. This will also help in just blowing water off instantly as you rinse , then no water sits for more than a minute (or even less).

just make sure there's no water in the compressor tank !!!:eek:

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