What do you use to dry your car?

shami and micro fibre... sheep skins soak up a lo tmor eand the micro fibres to go over what i missed!
Amen to the soft water wash. My outside faucet is unsoftened water and the water spots it leaves are disheartening when you miss drying an area or it dries before you have dried it.
I recently washed it at a buddies with softened water and if took far less effort. Think I'll be doing some plumbing soon to run softened water outside for car washing.

If you have a garage, install soft water taps in there ......then you can leave the yard outlet for grass and flower watering and general cleanup.

A cold and hot tap in the garage is nice too since you're plumbing anyway.:D

Soft water on the paint is sooooo much better.

Are those microfiber towels one-time use, or can they be washed and used again ?

My daily driver gets an old synthetic chamois run over it quickly every now and again ... I'm going to have to start paying attention to the finer things in "detailing" life ! :)

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