La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, I am not listening la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
Hey Riley... we're driving our vettes in Alberta too!!!
MAY!! Are you crazy? I would go nuts long before then.Still not listening. Hands are still over my ears. Eyes closed. Anymore of this talk and I'll pull the 2 year old limp body move so no one can get me to my computer and I don't have to read this until May.
Still not listening. Hands are still over my ears. Eyes closed. Anymore of this talk and I'll pull the 2 year old limp body move so no one can get me to my computer and I don't have to read this until May.
I am usually driving the car now till sometime in Nov, Dude your missing 2 whole months of driving fun!
Don't worry Riley I'm sure I can find a tow rope or chain to pull your car throught the snowbank in front of your garage. Once its out you'll be fine on the highway. Just need a real good wash after driving down my muddy driveway and the 2 km of gravel to the highway.
I hear you Riley, I want to go down south to live in Phoenix, Arizona where I can drive it all year round.