Just an update. Talked to the dealer yesterday and the told me they can not disable the V4 to V8 option and they also directed me to the aftermarket Range unit. Will look into it. Any problems with this unit once you plug it into the car??
Hey Jerry:
Interesting response from your dealer in that they actually recommended the Range device. Hopefully that means that they will not associate it with any possible future warranty related issues. If you get one it's a good practice to remove it and run the car for 200-300 kl's before taking it in for service. This will eliminate any trace of code.
It's important to understand what the Range device is, what it will do, and what it will not do. It is an AFM (Active Fuel Management) disabler. When attached to the OBD II port it sends a continuous string of code to the ECU telling it not to switch from V8 to V4 mode. The latest version for the C7, I believe, is V8.6R1. This is important because prior versions, if left attached, would create a slight parasitic draw on the battery and could, over time, drain it flat. The latest version is safe to leave in the port without risk of discharge. If left in the OBD II port ongoing it will prevent OnStar from creating it's monthly report. They still send it but advise that they cannot obtain the information because there is another device occupying the OBD II port. I got a few of these during the first year that I used the Range device.
It will not change, replace or otherwise modify any factory ECU settings. As such, it should not affect the vehicle as relates to the original warranties. Some dealers have stated otherwise, hence the need to remove it prior to taking it in for service.
It will not change or improve the vehicle's performance. The code within the device is strictly "command" only and does not replace any hard coding in the ECU. Some people have reported smoother / quicker shifts but the Range device has no capability to achieve this.
Overall it's a good tool if your objective is to prevent the switch from V8 to V4 mode, it works perfectly. I used mine for about a year but removed it as I use the manual shift mode almost exclusively. I will shift to automatic occasionally just to check for "shudder" but so far, so good.
Best regards