I've been sniffing around having my C8 supercharged (or a Z06) and after getting all the details from Hennessy & Callaway ... The good ol Canadian Government is now in my way.
There is a "newish" rule in place that modified vehicles cannot be imported into Canada.
Why is a modified vehicle no longer considered admissible for importation?
Once modified (other than having general repairs or routine maintenance), the vehicle no longer maintains its original factory issued certification. This certification is required for importation into Canada.
This also applies to Canadian certified vehicles modified in the United States and returning to Canada. For example:
- a motorcycle converted into trike,
- a cargo van converted into a camper,
- adding a suspension lift kit to a vehicle,
- adapting a vehicle for disabled access,
- lengthening a vehicle or
- re-fitting a vehicle with a different body kit.
I called Transport Canada and explained the details of what I wanted to do. I was told I could order all the parts and have the work done in Canada, no issues at all. But having the EXPERTS at Callaway in New Hampshire do the work for example, then makes my car inadmissible coming back to Canada.
I've sent an email to Transport Canada explaining what it is I might want to do, and see if there is any way to have it "pre-approved" ...
Ridiculous really ....