So this happened at 1,400 KM In the dealership parking lot...
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Booked an oil change on Monday at the dealership. On the ride down (Thursday) and out of nowhere , I noticed the car shifted from 6th gear into 8th (skipping 7) and would also downshift from 8 to 6 (skipping 7) when using the paddles.
Observing this a couple of times and wondering if it was normal, I then noticed the check engine light was illuminated (it's hidden slightly behind the steering wheel and to the right )
Everything felt fine and smooth and the transmission temperature was normal so continued down the highway to the dealership to let them look into it.
Turning into the dealership parking lot, the transmissions suddenly disengaged and left us stuck with 2 wheels up the incline entrance and the rest of the car sticking out on the active roadway.
The car would not budge.. even after a restart.
"Transmission service required" or some message along those lines.
8 service guys helped push the car up the driveway and into the lot and took the car back for diagnosis.s
Initial diagnosis was not good and was told a new transmission is a strong possibility and even worse, that may take 3 weeks ..
Phone calls were made to the transmission team in USA to exchange error codes and discuss next steps.
The swap is rated at 30 hrs and $5,000 usd in labour. Transmission is about $10k usd .
This will be handled under warranty but it sure makes me think again about purchasing that extended warranty...
I've gotta say , The team at the dealership has been fantastic so far and I'm hoping to get some more details tomorrow.
While they provided a Malibu rental, it's just not the same...
Tough break not having the car and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery.
Updates to follow...
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