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Nov 15, 2009
First "official" renderings, these are supposed to be dead on accurate.

What do you all think??? Like it or leave it?

2014 Corvette: First Photos



Overall, if this is the actual design, not as bad as it could have been. They should have stuck to the round tail lights as others have pointed out. Maybe they will. These pictures seem like quite a departure from everything I've seen so far so I'm not holding my breath that these are the real renderings.
The back tail lights have to go, as others have pointed out, too much like the Camaro. I think the side looks a little busy. However I can't make a final judgement until I see one in the flesh.

My initial feeling is that it looks too much like a "look what I added to my car today" project.
The back tail lights have to go, as others have pointed out, too much like the Camaro. I think the side looks a little busy. However I can't make a final judgement until I see one in the flesh.

My initial feeling is that it looks too much like a "look what I added to my car today" project.

I think most of the busyness is because the rendering is of a ZR-1, even the current model has lots of vents, scoops, and slots. the base model should be quite a bit cleaner. The official intro is still 14 months away, can't wait to see this car in person.
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