Good morning Riley,

The crop should come off it will not be as easy as it could have been but we're getting up to speed.

Yes, I do find a lot of my experiences with non-Manny mechanics to be odd ones. Very prideful people, two of my cousins are mechanics and are very reactionary types. I like George from what I can see and the guys in the service bay seemed good when I popped in to say thanks to them last fall when they serviced the car fo rme prior to winter storage/shipping to Ontario. But I mean if they are so thrown off by it being "modified" and have the chance to talk to the guy who did they work, I mean wouldn't you throw pride to the wind and get all the data you could before poking around under the hood??

I'm going to challenge my tech skills today by changing the imaging sensor in my digital camera to see if I can get it working again. If not a good experience to see what the inside fo a camera looks like!


So I go to put the new image sensor in the camera, throw in a battery for shits and giggles and turn it on and the display is working and not that funky indigo coloration that it was before.........I wonder how long it will last? And I still have the new image sensor to throw in there if it does act up again. Pity though, I was looking forward to trying to replace it..............

Maybe I ought to drive to Fairview and try to start the Z06 with this sort of luck!!
Oh Riley if only that could be true!! Still I am going to be focusing on a simple problem and an easy solution. As long as it is nothing major and I don't see this being the case.

Still I wish the crop was off, I knew it was a bumper crop and then I could have asked Manny about Airmile'ing him out here for a day. I'd be happier to pay Manny then for a day or two to breath life back into the Z06 than anyone else I'd ever be able to think of!


Good morning Riley,

It would be a whole lot of fun, certainly for me! Maybe get Manny to do a stop of combining. I have an old GM grain truck with a 366 I think and I've oftent hought for a lark how much fun it would be to beef up the transmission and get Manny to drop an LS7 in that! Imagine all four tires spinning!

I hope that we'll be able to try combining again today. Oddly the forecast was totally out for this area and the rain never arrived so it was cool and windy all day. 60% chance of showers for today which is new but nothing has started yet. -4 right now so it will be noonish before the straw gets dry and calling for a high of 8.


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So news and an update. They actually got to working on the car yesterday (!) and George called me this afternoon. Waves of panic. "I talked with the guy who did the car........"

Replace waves of panic with waves of confidence! George talked with Manny. I can't tell you guys how my blood pressure must have dropped by 50%!

Well, sadly, apparently the fuel pump is toast. These things do happen though. The disappointing part according to George is:

1)No replacement exists in Canada - it has to come from the US, 7 to 10 days time.
2)Very complicated to replace, part of the exhaust system has to be removed etc. "an all day job........"

And so be it, I mean options are limited if this is the case. The car is not going too far without a functioning fuel pump after all.

So a question for there any upgraded fuel pump I should be considering over replacing the stock fuel pump since they're going to be rooting around in there??

Thanks again for taking George's call Manny, you have no idea how much calmer it made me. I may come to have as much trust in George as I do in you but that will just take more time.

No progress on the harvesting front. Got the 9600 rear beater unplugged and a few more odds and ends and refinements made so we're ready to go. Of course it now looks like the showers we missed yesterday just arrived when it was suppose to be clear today! Ah the life of a farmer.

Better get the crop off though, $700 and some $ for the fuel pump, the hood struts need to be replaced, $75 each and a whole lot of labour apparently. I'm anticipating the high side of 2 large for the bill. Any other guesses??


So news and an update. They actually got to working on the car yesterday (!) and George called me this afternoon. Waves of panic. "I talked with the guy who did the car........"

Replace waves of panic with waves of confidence! George talked with Manny. I can't tell you guys how my blood pressure must have dropped by 50%!

Well, sadly, apparently the fuel pump is toast. These things do happen though. The disappointing part according to George is:

1)No replacement exists in Canada - it has to come from the US, 7 to 10 days time.
2)Very complicated to replace, part of the exhaust system has to be removed etc. "an all day job........"

And so be it, I mean options are limited if this is the case. The car is not going too far without a functioning fuel pump after all.

So a question for there any upgraded fuel pump I should be considering over replacing the stock fuel pump since they're going to be rooting around in there??

Thanks again for taking George's call Manny, you have no idea how much calmer it made me. I may come to have as much trust in George as I do in you but that will just take more time.

No progress on the harvesting front. Got the 9600 rear beater unplugged and a few more odds and ends and refinements made so we're ready to go. Of course it now looks like the showers we missed yesterday just arrived when it was suppose to be clear today! Ah the life of a farmer.

Better get the crop off though, $700 and some $ for the fuel pump, the hood struts need to be replaced, $75 each and a whole lot of labour apparently. I'm anticipating the high side of 2 large for the bill. Any other guesses??



No problem Garry , I figured it was something simple like a fuel pump . It was fuel related anyway .

So a new fuel is good , they are a pain to replace and I can assure it will take loner than a day , as not only does he have to drop the the exhaust but will also have the drop the rear cradle to drop the the gas tank on the drivers side . He will have to be careful when doing the reassembly . There are 2 fuel lines at the top of the tank that are very hard to connect .

Now as insurance , you can add our stage 2 fuel system with secondary outboard pump . If you call me at the shop tomorrow I can get you a price and the guy working on the car now do the install as we will guide them .

Good evening Manny,

I'll try to give you a call tomorrow. I'll need to make a decision on this quick to allow them to cancel the stock fuel pump order.

I'm also pretty relieved. I mean when there was no bang, cloud of smoke, loss of oil pressure or anything like that it had me thinking fuel or ignition and what a relief that there was no surprise in the end!!

Goerge mentioned that they had to drop one of the two tanks, I never knew it had two separate tanks but only one filler!

Out of curiosity, what typically fails in a fuel pump at only 33K km's?? Did GM outsource them from Dodge or something??!!


Good evening Manny,

I'll try to give you a call tomorrow. I'll need to make a decision on this quick to allow them to cancel the stock fuel pump order.

I'm also pretty relieved. I mean when there was no bang, cloud of smoke, loss of oil pressure or anything like that it had me thinking fuel or ignition and what a relief that there was no surprise in the end!!

Goerge mentioned that they had to drop one of the two tanks, I never knew it had two separate tanks but only one filler!

Out of curiosity, what typically fails in a fuel pump at only 33K km's?? Did GM outsource them from Dodge or something??!!



Good morning Garry , you miss read my post ---You will still need the factory pump , the stage 2 is a secondary that runs along with the factory pump , but only comes in at boost .

Good morning Manny,

Oops, so then what is the difference between the Stage 2 and the booster pump you previously added??? I thought that was the purpose of the booster pump, that it only came on under boost when needed??


The BAP works to boost voltage, the stage 2 is an actual external pump and that works with the BAP as well as the factory pump.

Good evening Manny,

Just in for a day of combining. One broke down but the other ran well. So on a quest to get a belt tomorrow and hopefully have them both running and make some progress. My son has school off tomorrow so I really will have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving since otherwise it is the short week (he goes to his mothers Saturday morning).

OK so the booster increases the stock pumps voltage so it can pump more fuel but the Stage two is actually a second fuel pump of some sort? Am I getting closer to understanding this now??

So what is it's advantage over what I have now? The nice thing about the delay in the dealership getting the new stock pump, time to understand and think about this option!


Good evening Manny,

Just in for a day of combining. One broke down but the other ran well. So on a quest to get a belt tomorrow and hopefully have them both running and make some progress. My son has school off tomorrow so I really will have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving since otherwise it is the short week (he goes to his mothers Saturday morning).

OK so the booster increases the stock pumps voltage so it can pump more fuel but the Stage two is actually a second fuel pump of some sort? Am I getting closer to understanding this now??

So what is it's advantage over what I have now? The nice thing about the delay in the dealership getting the new stock pump, time to understand and think about this option!



The advantage of the stage 2 system is that the secondary pump comes in at boost. This allows the factory pump not to have to work as hard .

Good morning Manny,

Combining went well yesterday, well sort of. Mom had a belt fail on the 8820 after about 30 minutes so we have to replace that this morning but as long as there is one in Fairview we've done this belt on this series of combines too many times in the past so we're good at it! But the 9600 ran well. And every acre off is one less to do and less to have staying out over the winter.............

Oddly Manny I was in the shower this morning when it finally dawned on me (being a sort of thick and dense fellow!) that yes, the way of increasing the fuel flow currently is to make the stock pump work harder by increasing the voltage supplied. It could contribute to it wearing out if it is being pushed a bit thus why having a stand alone physical fuel pump might be a better option to go with.

So how many $ for this Stage 2 pump, do you have one in stock/could you get it to George fast enough and will this be a challenge for the fellows with George to do when they replace the stock pump next weekish?

PM if you wish.

Wolves Cross Country Race Results are in:

I've never been both prouder and happier...........make sure you look carefully..........

Hope to be combining soon this morning and to get a good day in. Aidan doesn't have school today so that was an unexpected surprise and something I am "Thankful" for!!


Good morning Manny,

Combining went well yesterday, well sort of. Mom had a belt fail on the 8820 after about 30 minutes so we have to replace that this morning but as long as there is one in Fairview we've done this belt on this series of combines too many times in the past so we're good at it! But the 9600 ran well. And every acre off is one less to do and less to have staying out over the winter.............

Oddly Manny I was in the shower this morning when it finally dawned on me (being a sort of thick and dense fellow!) that yes, the way of increasing the fuel flow currently is to make the stock pump work harder by increasing the voltage supplied. It could contribute to it wearing out if it is being pushed a bit thus why having a stand alone physical fuel pump might be a better option to go with.

So how many $ for this Stage 2 pump, do you have one in stock/could you get it to George fast enough and will this be a challenge for the fellows with George to do when they replace the stock pump next weekish?

PM if you wish.

Wolves Cross Country Race Results are in:

I've never been both prouder and happier...........make sure you look carefully..........

Hope to be combining soon this morning and to get a good day in. Aidan doesn't have school today so that was an unexpected surprise and something I am "Thankful" for!!



The stage 2 fuel system is $1795.00 and includes everything you need to install . With the tank out it is a perfect time for this and George will have no issue installing it . I can have a kit on the way to Georges shop this afternoon .

Zoi-ah that is a chunk of change! I'm glad that you have it in stock though. Pity it didn't replace the stock pump in the process too!!!

I'll have to let this sit over the weekend.

I should have the rest of my crop off at that time (oh please God!) and I'll know where things stand financially.

Off to get my belt now...........


I looked carefully at the pdf, second place!!!!

Just a quick thought. One of my friends pointed this out to me but as the stock pump is submerged in gasoline, it actually uses the fuel to keep cool. When the tank is getting low on fuel, the pump loses it's ability to cool and the lifespan is shortened. If the pump gets extra voltage during boost, I imagine this would accelerate the results. I only say this as I am wondering how many times the car has been under a 1/4 tank of fuel because this could have contributed to the pump failure at only 33,000 km. I'm not saying it's your fault or ANYTHING like that, it also could have failed on it's own, I just want to give you a heads up to keep your tank above a 1/4 to help the pump out.

I imagine the cost of the external pump is due to lower production volume, and dealing with having to operate without coolant from the fuel meaning it may need better materials to withstand the heat, different tolerances, etc.
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