
You're a Regular King of the Post You're Liked 2 You're 10
Jul 15, 2012
Fairview, Alberta
2006 Z06
Wow. What a shock!

So I was gone to get my son at school. About 3 miles before the Whitelaw corner the car experienced a miss. Then about 4 miles later it just died totally!

History......the car has never missed a beat in its life, up until last week. Oddly I was in for the Terry Fox run with my son's school and in the morning I was parked close to main street in Fairview when I went to start the car and it fired, sputtered and stopped. A first for the car that has always started at the first push of the button. I had to hit the start button about 10 times before it finally came to life and all was good. No dash warning lights or anything. And then it behaved fine since then until today.

I don't think I look like a scary guy. So I try to hitch a ride to Fairview so that at least my son does not think I've abandon him - like an idiot I pick today not to take my cell phone!! So 1/4 mile away from a bright yellow car a guy wearing a bright yellow jacket and hat is trying to hitch a ride. Anyone make the connection? Nope. So I hold out money - still no takers! Until someone from where I live thinks I am cousin Darryll and stops and gives me a ride in. Lends me his cell so I can call mom who comes to get me. Arrive at school before it lets out thankfully. Call AMA and get the car towed to the local GM dealer, Adventure Automotive, in Fairview. They had the car last fall when they changed the oil for me so I figured it made sense ot take it there.

So I talked with the service manager who remembered me and told him the car was on its way it. Told him of the modifications - I can't see this being an issue as it has had about 5000 km of running since then, again flawlessly.

So fuel pump perhaps..........

Ignition system............

God I wish I could take the car to Manny!

Or had the $ to fly him down here!!!!

I am worried about how much these guys will focus on the car being modified - the service manager sort of made an "oh"ing sound about that but like I said I can't see why that makes any difference.

And of course they have a backlog of work so at the latest they will not be able to get to it until Friday the 11th. Earlier if other scheduled work allows.

A pity too since I just got the car back from the autobody shop at noon time.

Any ideas??

I told them, Manny, that your business card was in the cubby so they may call you. I asked them to change the engine oil and SC oil as well but of course could not remember the oil for the SC. If you want to entertain yourself you're more than welcome to call them. It is at Adventure Automotive and the service manager's name is George I think. The number is 780-835-4911.

I'll need a whole lot of cyber-hand holding on this one guys. Outside of Manny and Duane my mechanic in Spirit River I've had a hard time trusting and not feeling I'm being abused by mechanics. Adventure Automotive did a good job with the fall 2012 Z06 servicing and I like to go back to the same place when the service is good so I hope that it will be a good experience with something more complicated like this.

Prayers appreciated!!


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Just my two cents worth Garry, but it sounds like one of the sensor wires has become disconnected. Could be crank position or any one of them thats came loose. If it was me I'd be going down there and go over the car top to bottom and make sure nothings came undone. You've been turning some pretty high revs lately with that engine and that's bound to shake something free sooner or later.
Good evening Steamer,

Yes, I actually did pop the hood to see if there was anything that jumped out at me but no such luck.

It could be a solid state electronic/computer issue which with luck their diagnostic equipment will pick up on. I don't think it is anything mechanical as there was no bang, thud, loss of oil pressure and temps were all fine.........

It turns over rapidly and fine but just doesn't fire even once.

It almost makes me feel like I own a Jag or Lotus or some British sports car!!!!

I'm calmer now to be sure.


Ah man , well if its turning over that's a good thing . It could be a blown fuse for the fuel pump or even the boosta pump . I don't think its any thing major .

You have my number , have them call the shop and we can walk them through a few checks .

Thanks Manny!

That is what I told George, your business card is kept in the cubby between the seats and that he should give you a call.

I have to say having had a tractor engine fail on me and I remember a bent push rod on my dad's old Pontiac that it is a non-critical failure. I remember a guy I knew who's Z28 stopped dead when a wire in contact with the header burned through so I honestly do expect it is something similar to that.

I have to be confident that they will do a good job diagnosing things and that it will not be a big unusual surprise.

Maybe we should have a betting pool on the source of the problem!


Prayers for you for sure Garry --- not been very active lately but thinking of you all a lot.......
Like Manny says it's hopefully a fuse or something simple. If you are close to the car and have time to go you could have a look at the fuse box(es) yourself for something obvious. - (if you haven't already).
Manny should be able to direct you to the appropriate fuse block and go from there.

Best of luck my friend and yeah: keep the cell phone with you.:D

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Yes, it does suck. I am also still thinking something straightforward and simple. Not a fuse though. When a fuse fails it fails, so the previous weeks ignition problems plus the problem a few miles before it failed totally on Friday I think must be pointing to something else...........

I did not kow it had a booster pump (too many mods!!). So that being the case, a question. Would the car run without the booster pump functioning? In which case maybe it is the main fuel pump?

I have a squirrel in the yard. There was a pine cone in the engine compartment when I opened the hood that day. If the little bugger chewed a wire I may actually have to acquire a firearm!

Hope to combine today, we got all the wet canola from the last field done. Showers for Monday and Tuesday and so it would be good for moral to be drying grain as that is happening. Plus getting $ for car repairs!!!!!

Maybe I should have had the car towed home. It would have been cool to have gotten a hands free headset and had Manny try to talk me through diagnosing the problem if he'd had the time. Now that would have made for a cool YouTube video!

By the way, if you read this Manny, I'm going to get the GM dealer to change the oil again while they have the car - what do they need to get for the SC?? I know it is not the same as the engine oil. Is there a good GM SC suitable oil or some brand you'd recommend??




Hey Garry! Sorry to hear the car quit on you. It does sound like a sensor or something electrical. I'm sure once George gives Manny a call, it'll be back up and as good as new before you know it!
Yes, it does suck. I am also still thinking something straightforward and simple. Not a fuse though. When a fuse fails it fails, so the previous weeks ignition problems plus the problem a few miles before it failed totally on Friday I think must be pointing to something else...........

I did not kow it had a booster pump (too many mods!!). So that being the case, a question. Would the car run without the booster pump functioning? In which case maybe it is the main fuel pump?

I have a squirrel in the yard. There was a pine cone in the engine compartment when I opened the hood that day. If the little bugger chewed a wire I may actually have to acquire a firearm!

Hope to combine today, we got all the wet canola from the last field done. Showers for Monday and Tuesday and so it would be good for moral to be drying grain as that is happening. Plus getting $ for car repairs!!!!!

Maybe I should have had the car towed home. It would have been cool to have gotten a hands free headset and had Manny try to talk me through diagnosing the problem if he'd had the time. Now that would have made for a cool YouTube video!

By the way, if you read this Manny, I'm going to get the GM dealer to change the oil again while they have the car - what do they need to get for the SC?? I know it is not the same as the engine oil. Is there a good GM SC suitable oil or some brand you'd recommend??





Garry , you will need to go to the A&A Supercharger website and buy some oil from them . Its best to run the same oil as it came with .
The BAP is inline with the pump so if fuse was to go , yest the factory would not work as well.

Oh Riley if I was only confident George would call Manny! Some mechanics I find are the oddest of people, not wanting to go to or take advice from anyone else. I can't even remember the last time I ever heard a mechanic say "I don't know" about a problem. I'm annoyed that George is so worked up about the car not being stock, as he had a look of horror on his face when I was telling him about the mods and asked "does it have NOS?". I mean if it was an engine failure there would not be a lot of point in taking the car to him now would there? And stock or modded a failed fuel pump or ignition module is the same issue I'd suspect.

What I find so odd is having the ability/opportunity to take directly with the person/company that did the mods and not seeing this as a positive situation. But then again having to admit that he would ever need help/direction/suggestions and again how most mechanics seem to let their pride get in the way of finding the solution the easiest way possible.

But then again maybe George and his crew will surpise me. We'll see as the week progresses and they get the car in the shop.

But not what I was expecting for the end of the season! It was a difficult Z06 season in a few ways.................


Good morning Manny,

I'll see if I can get the oil quick-like then!

I'd be surprised it was the fuel pump fuse though, like I said it missed briefly about 2 to 3 miles before it finally died. If the fuel pump fuse had failed I don't think it would have happened twice let alone the previous week when it didn't fire up right away and I had to hit the start button like 10 times..........

Thanks for the hand holding, I sure need it right now!


Thanks guys!

I wonder which is a greater worry to me? Still having 70% of the crop to take off or what is happening with my Z06??

I suppose both matters will be resolved with time and both hopefully in a happy manner!

I just have to remember my favorite Greek expression and hope it still applies to me - "The Gods look after the fools"!

Snow was brief but a real dose of reality. Highs of plus 4 tomorrow and rain starting tonight and ending tomorrow afternoon. Yikes!

Thankfully mom is doing a sterling job of running the grain dryer to deal with the 16% moisture canola we took off yesterday morning before we plugged both combines and it started to shower. One of the combines is back up and ready and the 2nd one I just picked up the new rear beater belts for and hopefully Dad and cousin Brad will put them on and be able to run the wad though...........


Wow 16% the dryer will be running a while.............we actually hit +20C today with about a 25km wind.........canola was coming off dry.........I'll pray the wind gods blow some warmth your way! Sounds like your doing all you can to get that crop in the Z06 will get sorted out eventually. Hope you get some time to enjoy the car once the crop is in.
Good morning SB,

Yes, 16% was a challenge but what I like about it is that Dad pooh-poohs the whole thing - "You can't dry canola over 12%" sort of old Ukrainian attitude and mom thinks like me - if we can process it we can dry it and that is what happened. Did it go through the dryer fast? Not a chance. But we couldn't combine yesterday and that is when she did it. So 1200 bu more safe and dry and another 20 to 25 acres fewer in the field.

You've got dry canola in your area? Nice! We had two fields come off dry and the 3rd one got dried and the 4th one well, will probably have to be dried but it may be a slow process. 1200 bu of 16% canola is one thing but I sure wouldn't want a backlog of 5 or 10,000 bu like that - just yet anyway!

And plus 20 to boot you lucky SOB! We're entering the period of having to add the highs of two days to get that!

I don't think any combining today, forecast is still calling for rain but normals for the next 4 or 5 days - 10 above - so we're going to get back at it in a day or two, even if it is another 20 to 25 ac. The bad part is most of those mornings are lows of -3 and so it takes until noon before you can go once the frost is off the straw.

No word on the Z06. Not even a reply to the email I sent to George the service manager about not changing the SC oil due to waiting until I get the recommended Vortech SC oil as per Manny's guidance. Still sometime this week I should have a call on what is going on. Maybe a loose wire or melted through wire providing power/creating a short??

Still praying for something simple.

And hoping they can get past the fact that the car is stock to just diagnosing the issue.........sheesh really guys!


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