The Price of an Oil Change OMG!!! Lol

Let's get some mistruths stopped here today. I drive a C7 Z51. I change my own oil. Price varies depending on oil price obviously but I get a filter for 7 bucks. There is not 2 sumps there are 2 drain plugs. One for the sump and one for the reservoir. If you add the necessary oil amount (9.3l) you can drive the car. When you get back home, check the oil in 5-10 minutes-it will be bang on. And oil changes for BMW's are not as high as I'm reading on this site as I drive a twin turbo beast that uses 6.6l of Castrol Edge European Blend. Similar cost to Mobil as long as you don't buy from dealer. And the dealership oil change price is under $200 anyway although I still do it myself. Don't know why BMW has to be trashed on here without facts, they build very good cars but they're not for the poor but neither are vettes.

Ok Tony..... deep breath in....hold it.... now exhale. I just reread all and the BMW comment is simply a personal experience, not an opinion of Beamers overall. Just a thought but you might find that this site doesn't really operate like the others. We may have dissenting opinion but we try to bring it across in a mature and well thought out response. The members get along here...very well I might add.

Again... breath in.... hold it.... exhale. Have a good one Lol.
Hey Tony ...
How about hooking up with our C7 Z51's at Northgate Chev next Saturday - It's on their dime as I'm told they will have free food - and Corvettes

Sheldon on Big Bang Theory would say "can I offer you a Hot Beverage"

Please check out my newly posted thread in General Corvette Discussion
... I waited no longer in sharing it with everyone, maybe something that "fits" ...

whether sarcasm, humour, an experience, rant or just plain BS - it's with hope of it always being water under the bridge​
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The members get along here...very well I might add.

Again... breath in.... hold it.... exhale. Have a good one Lol.

A guy at my work has an 04 M3 Coupe. He has some work done to it. Nice car..He says it pushes just over 400 hp. He was a member of a BMW forum for a couple of years. He said he stopped posting there because everyone was aggressive with a " mine is better than yours " attitude. No welcome areas and when you did introduce yourself, it was.... who cares..Hmmm,Can I have extra butter please?
Canadian Tire had the 5W30 on sale with an extra L for $35. I bought the filter online for $18. Took my car to the mechanic, labour $60. Total $167 for a dry sump oil change. The dealer wanted $290.
Just FYI, the cabin filter for the C7 can also be changed fairly inexpensively. Just buy it online and DIY, 10 minutes. Air filter a bit more work but fairly easy also. Debris blown out with air compressor or vacuumed, or just replace the filter if needed. Again, can be bought online.
Looking for savings, especially given the current economic situation.
You guys are just lucky you don't have boats to worry about annual maintenance.
Last boat: 2005 Silverton 34 Convertible with twin 6.0 Crusader engines, each one takes 7.5L 5W30, two fuel filters and one oil filter, plus water pump impeller. Total cost about $500.
Present boat: 1985 Cooper Prowler 10M-SD with twin Volvo AQAD40b diesel engines, each one takes 11L 10W40, two fuel filters and one oil filter. Total cost about $500, only because water pump impellers don't have to be changed annually. Cost for those is $325 each.
Not to include winter storage cost ($650), summer marina dock rental ($2200), fuel costs at 1.5 mpg with the diesels, 1 mpg with gas.
I've cut back on the boating to do more Corvette driving!
You guys are just lucky you don't have boats to worry about annual maintenance.
Last boat: 2005 Silverton 34 Convertible with twin 6.0 Crusader engines, each one takes 7.5L 5W30, two fuel filters and one oil filter, plus water pump impeller. Total cost about $500.
Present boat: 1985 Cooper Prowler 10M-SD with twin Volvo AQAD40b diesel engines, each one takes 11L 10W40, two fuel filters and one oil filter. Total cost about $500, only because water pump impellers don't have to be changed annually. Cost for those is $325 each.
Not to include winter storage cost ($650), summer marina dock rental ($2200), fuel costs at 1.5 mpg with the diesels, 1 mpg with gas.
I've cut back on the boating to do more Corvette driving!

it is a well known fact that us men don’t get brains until we are 50

glad you are starting to find them early

just kidding
OMG Humberview Chevrolet wants $450 for an oil change using Mobil1 ESP 0W40, this is Insane
I have a supercharged z51 and I race my car all the time and all I get is the mobil 1 0w40 euro blend. On sale less then $100 and at my dealership they charge for filter and labour $40 using my oil. Never has any issue with using this oil and not only do I race it but it's been on the dyno more times than I can count. I've done this since I owned the car and had several issue with that crappy A8 transmission and all it was still covered under warranty. Basically the oil game I think is bit overrated and so unless your dealer is picky for warranty reasons I wouldn't bother with the really expensive stuff.
You guys are just lucky you don't have boats to worry about annual maintenance.
Last boat: 2005 Silverton 34 Convertible with twin 6.0 Crusader engines, each one takes 7.5L 5W30, two fuel filters and one oil filter, plus water pump impeller. Total cost about $500.
Present boat: 1985 Cooper Prowler 10M-SD with twin Volvo AQAD40b diesel engines, each one takes 11L 10W40, two fuel filters and one oil filter. Total cost about $500, only because water pump impellers don't have to be changed annually. Cost for those is $325 each.
Not to include winter storage cost ($650), summer marina dock rental ($2200), fuel costs at 1.5 mpg with the diesels, 1 mpg with gas.
I've cut back on the boating to do more Corvette driving!
Haven't owned a boat in a very long time but i remember this all too well
BOAT...Break Out Another Thousand

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