I agree, the buying experience has been disappointment, with much frustration, it has been outright awful. I placed my order back in September and was told February/March was when I would see my car, here we are, 2 weeks away from March and my status, from what I have been told is 2050 since November, but i got a call from the Dealer manager about 2 weeks ago informing me that if I dropped the Z51 package he could place the order mid February, so now I don't even think my order is even submitted, tied getting updates with GM Chat, nothing only " order has been accepted" which is a good sign I guess, tired getting the work bench order from the dealer, that is like pulling teeth, every time I ask my salesmen its "the guy upstairs has to get this" WTF I cant get the guys name... funny, the sales guy loved me and would do anything before I gave him money...
I know I signed up for the wait, I designed and built my own house so I know how the wait feels, but this is different there is no progress, no light at end of the tunnel, and what seems to be a whole lot of secrecy that no one really know any answers too, (ie not shipping in winter, even how the ordering really works.) at this point, will I even get a 2015? your guess is as good a mine, seriously; that is not a good feeling to have while waiting for an car.
Sorry for the rant, I know that I'm "only" about 6 months in and there are guys that have been waiting much longer, but I am really getting frustrated with this.
What would happen if I treated my customers like this?... I would loose them.