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Stitching , stitching & more white stitching …. Fixed !!

I watched a YouTube video then bought a fabric pen and changed the white stitching to yellow to match the yellow seat belts and the accelerate yellow paint . I was surprised how easy a job this was .
Beware Yellow!

I used the same Marvy Uchida and since the stitching is a bit gray , at least on the 2020, not pure white. That mixed with yellow ended up as a muddy greeny gray yellow. Looked bad. Fortunately I only tried it on the carpet mats and inconspicuous spot on car, and washed it off immediately.

Trying to dye yellow is no bueno. Not even close to factory yellow stitch. I too have yellow seat belts, and love them.
Reactions: Vettenut
Yea ... yellow would probably be too light to get the proper effect .... the best results I think would come with red as its such a dominant color to begin with ....

Orange seems to work pretty well too

Oh if these were the only problems in the world ... we'd be in great shape
Reactions: carbuff
I watched a YouTube video then bought a fabric pen and changed the white stitching to yellow to match the yellow seat belts and the accelerate yellow paint . I was surprised how easy a job this was .

My yellow marvy did a great job , since I ordered black interior with grey seats , GM wouldn’t allow the yellow stitching option . My stitching looked white to me and it’s a beautiful yellow. I’m very pleased with the outcome.
Reactions: vacek
The darker colors like red and orange do look very nice when done.

Not sure if the stitching changed over the years, but “white” in our 2020 is actually a very light gray. Not clean white. The darker colored pens mask that well.
Nice but like you said , we need patience and I have none , so...

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