I realize that there are many factors that play into which of the Big 3 get to keep their 1st place title for Canada. However I did notice
@butsy that your deposit was 1 month before mine (Jul vs Aug '21), yet you got an allocation last month, and I am probably another +3 months out from that (at least). Curious as to what # you were on the list back in '21, I was #103 for BS (#78 at another dealer but that list is moving slower). I can only come to 1 of 2 conclusions. Either BC is the new 1st place holder for allocations in the last 2 or so years, or they had a smaller list and with approx the same allocations as BS, managed to get thru their smaller list quicker.
I ask only because if I wish to leave a deposit for an e-Ray, or do like some of you guys and leave one for a future SR (which may get a refresh or simply for a color change), curious as to how the 2 dealers stack up now that we have some real data (you and I being a good comparison). In the end, I will likely stick it out with BS simply because they were a bit more responsive every time I asked about my spot on the list, and even better, just 4 or so hours away from Mtl compared to the others. So waiting a few months more for that convenience is probably a good thing.