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Some question about own a vette

A picture is worth a 1,000 words...


My Vette stays inside for the winter while my daily drive Challenger goes out to play in the snow. As a picture is worth a 1,000 words, I leave you with this image:

Good luck in your decision...

Yes, I suspect that they've not changed much over the years. -25 this morning...fur hat time!


Oh my -- I'll say they haven't. That was common place when I was a kik growing up in the Falls....I could stand it then but now I'd have some difficulty with it.

Stay warm, and pray for an early spring.

Long time guys~
After some serious discussion with my friend and my family I've bought a 09 pontiac G8 GT at last. I'd like to thank all suggestions you've made before~ Might own one C5 when I settle down here when I gruduate~

Thx to everyone

Hey Liu!

Well, glad to hear you are still on the hunt for a Corvette and I hope we gave you some good insight into your decision. I think the G8 will be a good car and you'll be very happy with your C5. I know I enjoy mine every time I take it out!

Wise decision Liu. Other things in your life at this time have priority. I'm sure that in future when your career progresses you will be able to get your Corvette if you still want one.

Congrats on the G8, Liu -- also a nice car for you and perhaps a little more appropriate at this time.

Please visit us in the future.....we're all car guys here and would love to hear about the Pontaic too.

Good luck with your studies, please stay in touch. You know you're always welcome here.


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