Not to hijack this thread but as we are talking about wheels, a good way to get nice cheap wheels is to wait for someone with a C6 to upgrade their wheels, then buy their wheels from them. I have seen nice factory rims with rubber for under $1000. (not new rubber).

In that thought, Manny, have you seen the C6 "Gumby" wheels on a C5? I found a set for $510 plus shipping. They have scuffs but I would still like to know how they look on a C5 before pulling the trigger.
Not to hijack this thread but as we are talking about wheels, a good way to get nice cheap wheels is to wait for someone with a C6 to upgrade their wheels, then buy their wheels from them. I have seen nice factory rims with rubber for under $1000. (not new rubber).

In that thought, Manny, have you seen the C6 "Gumby" wheels on a C5? I found a set for $510 plus shipping. They have scuffs but I would still like to know how they look on a C5 before pulling the trigger.

I like the C6 split-spoke ( Gumby ) on a C5 :D
Ah, Suziesee6. I don't read too goodly and did not notice (or more likely forgot) that you were asking about wheels to fit your C6. So, ignore my entire post until the C7 comes out and you can get cheap C7 rims for your C6. I was stuck thinking about putting C6 wheels on a C5.
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