yesterday we bundle up everything for sandblasting
in sum 7 frames and many parts
we have a good friend living near regensburg bavaria who can blast it for less money = 70CAD you preffer amarican oder canadian dollar?
or 400 malboro cigarettes (in germany) ;-)
then yesterday a policeman visit us
he heard about some guys making vespa stuff
project 8 - what should we do? he is the law ;-)
also v50 spezial from about 1978
new shield and sandblasting
because the last owner "repaired" with many mud (you call it)
an like we in germany say "russisch"
engine will be also a 125ccm because the owner has the old car license
on project 3 called adi
(the 16 year old child - his name is mathias but we call him adi = his vespa has a dealer-sticker on the shild - dealers name was adi - vespas name now is adi and mathias also called adi)
we changed the clutch an the brake linings in the back
and at the change of the front linings we noticed that the
brake drum isnt good as we want
the surface has rills (no picture sry)
a new brake drum cost only 87CAD or 60 balls big icecream
but young people dont have monay for spare parts
only for smoking and drinking so we bore the surface
hope you know what i mean
and we build some winter wheels
last year we had great fun with our vespa
in the snow with snowdrive v1.0
Original Rim
Snow wheel V1.0
IMG 2074 - YouTube
sry video ist twisted
and yesterday we overhauled the wheel
for getting more stability we weld a ring on the shovel
ok the weld seam is "russisch" but its a prototyp
with the new ring called "Schneeantrieb V1.1" = snowdrive V1.1
in the front we will mount a old ski for steering
now we only need snow ;-)