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The question always baffles me. Why?

Why winter tires?

Probably so he can drive it as late into the season as possible - before the snow flies. Don't want to be driving when it's -10C out on summer tires!

For me: Because it's my only car, I live really close to work, so I don't need to drive when the weather gets bad. I don't have a "special" Corvette, so it don't matter to me, and because I want to drive a RWD car in the winter to improve my driving skill when I get to the track!
You’re going to need that JD to sleep now! Any little sound you hear will have you wide awake otherwise.
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For the last month or so,I’ve been chatting with an old childhood friend from when my father was in the Air Force. We lived on a radar base in Mont Apica Quebec for 2 years from 72-74 before dad got posted to CFB Currie Barracks here off Crowchild trail.

Looks like him and I are going to plan for me to spend 4/5 days there next fall. Thinking early September is a nice time to visit Montreal.

He’s a big time hunter and bagged this moose recently. We’re talking of making a trip to the old base to see if we can figure out the lay of the land and figure out where our PMQs were. I’m already stoked about it.


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