Congratulations Davigar
I think netsinah said it best in post #25.
I have what I would say are basic mechanical skills. I do enjoy working on my cars and will change my own fluids and brakes when I have to pay for it. I think if I had 1,000 kms. on mine before I stored it I wouldn't have change it... UNLESS, my free oil changes were going to expire before I had a chance to use them. (24,000Kms. or 2 years from GM). I think most people who have the GM MasterCard don't realize it but, I also have 2 more free oil/filter changes with it (for a total of 4). They kick-in after the first 2 GM oil changes are used or expire and must be used within the first 2 years or
For what its worth, I just did my first free oil/filter change before storing my car on Nov. 1st. (sorry Murray
) I took delivery Aug. 20th and have just over 6K on my BUCKETOY now. If you don't track the car (or drive the snot out of it) service recommends changing oil/filter when your DIC oil % gets close to 0% or 1 year. It helps me sleep at night knowing the car is stored for the winter with clean oil in the crankcase.
If you haven't seen it already, here is an interesting video from GM on your Maintenance schedule...