Riddle me this.
I'm not a typical family. No kids, just me and my wife. We spend about $6000 at the pumps annually. What is my rebate? I didn't get a cheque in the mail, nor is there a line on my 2020 filing to deduct this amount.
Want to go deeper on bs tax law? No problem.
I have the benefit of a company car. It's a taxable benefit that works out to $13k a year for a $60k truck. What does the Liberal government allow me to write off for working at home for a year in a $1.2M home in the GTA? $400 bucks.
The Liberal plan is to tax their way out of debt. Not once have I seen them implement anything that benefits my situation. Not with taxes, not with covid, not with the economy, and certainly not with firearms or gang crime.
I can't say that I am impressed with the leadership on the PC side either. Pierre Pollievre is the only politician that I stand behind.
Rant complete.