Rruuff Day

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Power User
Aug 30, 2014
Since these key word along with 'climate change' seem to be popping up in various threads, here's a place to voice your thoughts on JT's zero emissions plan and the cost to tax payers to achieve only the electrical grid portion required without the use of hydrocarbons. Not denying the need but my feeling is taxpayers won't be able to absorb the cost, and government obviously is not prepared to either give the carbon taxes already in place. Here's a recent part article that just touches on the electricity portion of a net zero in 26 years from now.

Today, electricit y fulfills about 20 per cent of our energy needs. That means 80 per cent of the energy Canadians rely on is from direct use of natural gas , refined petroleum products and other fuels. What is being proposed in Canada’s electricity strategy is not just fewer or even no emissions from our electricity systems. It is to have electricity provide that other 80 per cent.

"This is a challenge for two reasons. First, some things — including many industrial processes — simply can’t be done by electricity. Second, the electricity needed to do the rest that could be possible does not exist today. And we are not even close to having it. Electricity is a technology that mobilizes electrons by using a fuel (moving water or wind, uranium, natural gas, coal, oil, sunshine). You need the fuel, you need to build generating capacity and you need new infrastructure to move the electricity to where it is needed.
Getting it all up and running in the next 26 years means Canadians should forget about saving money over the next two decades. We will be spending. Big time. Electricity Canada, the trade association of Canada’s electricity industry, estimates it will cost $50 to $60 billion per year to get the power we need. According to the Canadian Energy Regulator’s Net-Zero Scenario, electricity generation capacity would need to grow from about 152 GW today to 350 GW — or about 2.3 times — to reach net zero by 2050."

Your insight?
Here is what we (Canada) agreed to.

Remember a "target" is not a "promise". I personally don't think it can happen. Too many conservatives will be in power by then! ;)

You mean here is what JT's government agreed to. Yes they did. And it is a legally binding agreement that has no chance of being met by the Accord's term years of 2025 for max temperature increase. They are already asking Countries to revisit and strengthen the 2030 targets. We are in for a rough ride either way and it's very unfortunate that protecting the climate wasn't considered many many years ago when the world may have had a chance softening the blow.
You mean here is what JT's government agreed to. Yes they did. And it is a legally binding agreement that has no chance of being met by the Accord's term years of 2025 for max temperature increase. They are already asking Countries to revisit and strengthen the 2030 targets. We are in for a rough ride either way and it's very unfortunate that protecting the climate wasn't considered many many years ago when the world may have had a chance softening the blow.
The Liberals agreed to it as did 197 other countries.
I agree with your last statement. As Stan said to Laurel. "That's another fine mess you've gotten us in to."
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The Liberals agreed to it as did 197 other countries.
I agree with your last statement. As Stan said to Laurel. "That's another fine mess you've gotten us in to."
As with governments all over, they will agree to nearly anything if they think it will garner more votes for the next election.
You mean here is what JT's government agreed to. Yes they did. And it is a legally binding agreement that has no chance of being met by the Accord's term years of 2025 for max temperature increase. They are already asking Countries to revisit and strengthen the 2030 targets. We are in for a rough ride either way and it's very unfortunate that protecting the climate wasn't considered many many years ago when the world may have had a chance softening the blow.
Pipe dream fantasy. I recall reading about an estimate that to electrify all transportation and the industry that could be converted in the province of BC that it would take the equivalent of 6 more Site C dams . That project now in year 11 has doubled in cost to in excess of 16 Billion. Now if you consider doing the same for the entire country it should be pretty clear to most rational people that this is not likely to happen anytime soon. Imagine the cost to taxpayers. If people think that the federal and provincial debt levels are high now…..if this were to be attempted then it would seem obvious that nuclear reactors would have to play a big role in trying to achieve it .

If you think power costs are high now just watch what happens. And as various levels of government continue restrict and in many cases outright ban fossil fuel heating methods there will be no other options to heat homes , farm infrastructure , buildings of all types which in many parts of the country due to our climate would be next to impossible from an affordability standpoint. Scary stuff folks
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Pipe dream fantasy. I recall reading about an estimate that to electrify all transportation and the industry that could be converted in the province of BC that it would take the equivalent of 6 more Site C dams . That project now in year 11 has doubled in cost to in excess of 16 Billion. Now if you consider doing the same for the entire country it should be pretty clear to most rational people that this is not likely to happen anytime soon. Imagine the cost to taxpayers. If people think that the federal and provincial debt levels are high now…..if this were to be attempted then it would seem obvious that nuclear reactors would have to play a big role in trying to achieve it .

If you think power costs are high now just watch what happens. And as various levels of government continue restrict and in many cases outright ban fossil fuel heating methods there will be no other options to heat homes , farm infrastructure , buildings of all types which in many parts of the country due to our climate would be next to impossible from an affordability standpoint. Scary stuff folks
Read the quote in my post #1. ...50 to 60 billion each year for Canada alone until 2050 for electricity alone. Goodbye what's left of our economy.
Read the quote in my post #1. ...50 to 60 billion each year for Canada alone until 2050 for electricity alone. Goodbye what's left of our economy.
I hear you. And that’s per YEAR ! I would bet that’s an underestimate given that nothing costs what is estimated. I would hope though that saner heads will prevail sometime between now and October 25 , 2025 .

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