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my 71 build thread

So I guess I jinxed myself by patting myself on the back when I got my clutch to work. lol
take a trip 3 blocks down to timmies and it fails on me. Stuck in reverse and half way out of a parking stall.
I got it out of reverse and limped it home.
Well Im back up and running again. fixed a couple leaks and tuned the carb. sounds even better now.
Thinking about taking a test drive down the highway today. if the weather holds.
No. the lines were leaking at the bleeder screw. I knew it was leaking but I let it sit too long. then when I went to timmies that day air got into the system and it wasnt disengaging all the way.
All good now though. Still havent driven it since.
I can count on one hand how many times I've been able to drive it this summer. :D
Each time was a blast. Even managed to miss the meet and greet in Ponoka that I was so looking forward to. :(
Last ride was a good test drive on the highway. Handled wonderfully. lots of waves and thumbs. :D Nice powerful ride. I have a few things already on the list for this winter that need to be done. Some of them will result in the "while Im at it syndrome"
Wish I could get it out more this year but having the extra money for appraisal insurance plates and all that isnt in the budget unfortunately.
I take it for short "test drives" but I dont like leaving that to chance.
maybe Ill see some of you in Ponoka sometime as there are still some really nice test drive days still to come.

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