
2 You're 10
Feb 16, 2011
I have a small pinhole leak at the bottom of my tank. Not sure if it should be fixed or should I buy another used tank.

Is the pin hole the result of hitting something, or did it just appear?

If it just appeared, I would be worried about rust and that the tank is rusting though.....or am I totally out to lunch on this?
Well, that's not good to hear. I would suggest a new tank then guessing that if it rusted through in one spot, more are to follow. Plus, you may have rust flakes in the tank that could plug your fuel filter and pump or just restrict the fuel enough to cause a lean condition.
Doesn't the tank have a plastic liner on the inside? That was my understanding anyway. If thats the case that would mean both surfaces have been compromised.
Yes, these tanks have bladders and that would mean the gas is getting past the rubber too. Probably can't be repaired.
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