Oh good God Riley I am so sorry to hear this! Please let your wife know that I hope it will pass quickly!!
I am a little disappointed that you will miss out ont his since I had been looking forward to meeting the fellow who created the site that has enhanced the enjoyment of my Corvette experience, but there will always be another time!
I'm just in from strapping the car down:
1)The 2 x 12 worked wonderfully! I can open the drivers door without it hitting the fender!
2)The engineer who designed that silly plastic chin spoiler should be given a beating. Granted that I have managed to scrape it countless times and I suppose it really has done a good job of hanging on. But I have one speednut/bolt assembly that has broken clean off the mounting location so I might have to create my own in the future, two or three others that have partially pulled through, sheesh what a pain this is. I can see why I was told by some that they just accept that this is the way it is a replace it every one or two years! But frustrating.
I had reached the point where I was starting to question if all this grief was worth saving 1000 km on the car. I'll have cooled off my tomorrow morning to be sure and yes then it will be worth it but what a pain. I'm sure when I get proper ramps to start the car on the trailer it will be better and I'll just have to suck it up and be a lot more careful when I load/unload it..........
Maybe some 22" wheels would help!!!!
Then I got the shock of my life when I was looking underneeth the front and I found - a dangling wire! OK so where did this come from. Initially I was excited thinking it might be from one of the cooling fans and would explain why the car seems to run hotter than I would like to see it so I popped the hood - drat! It is the wire for the underhood light!!! Oh well, I was excited for a brief time!
So now a good night's sleep, pack up my stuff, fuel the truck, doubl check the straps and off I go!!