Power User
14 torx bolts ( You found the hidden one?).as shown in this video with another option.
This video game me another thought. How about a furnace type filter? Or an air intake filter?
The gutter mesh you can install from the outside and do not need to take anything apart.
OK perhaps 14 T15 bolts (?) and as I said, I never counted them. I'm not keen on any of these "cloth/furnace filter-like" options. I worry about the restricted air flow, even though they've supposedly tested them, but they look more restrictive. As well, you'd likely have to remove and clean or replace them, when there's a big enough bug build-up on their surface. I'd worry about getting all the bugs out with a pressure washer. Finally, the video mentions removing the "hidden bolt" being a real PITA. I suppose their advantage is the ability to colour match and achieve a different look for your C8.