Grill mesh

14 torx bolts ( You found the hidden one?). :) as shown in this video with another option.
This video game me another thought. How about a furnace type filter? Or an air intake filter?
The gutter mesh you can install from the outside and do not need to take anything apart.

OK perhaps 14 T15 bolts (?) and as I said, I never counted them. I'm not keen on any of these "cloth/furnace filter-like" options. I worry about the restricted air flow, even though they've supposedly tested them, but they look more restrictive. As well, you'd likely have to remove and clean or replace them, when there's a big enough bug build-up on their surface. I'd worry about getting all the bugs out with a pressure washer. Finally, the video mentions removing the "hidden bolt" being a real PITA. I suppose their advantage is the ability to colour match and achieve a different look for your C8.
I'm trying to get confirmation, but I just found out that both front rads (heat exchangers) are for the A/C and not for engine cooling. If that's the case then it's a lot less important to protect them. Not only that, but also not so important to worry about restrictiveness of any protection,
I'm trying to get confirmation, but I just found out that both front rads (heat exchangers) are for the A/C and not for engine cooling. If that's the case then it's a lot less important to protect them. Not only that, but also not so important to worry about restrictiveness of any protection,
Here is the front passenger side.

Definitely not a condenser rad for the a/c.
At Carlisle last year, GM had a seminar on "thermal management," which included both drivetrain heat management and interior temperature management. Regarding the heat exchangers, they said this:

One, the visible heat exchanger you see is for the AC, not the radiators, which are mounted behind. The tubes for the AC exchangers were described as "bull nose" in shape, which thicker walls than the radiator tubes. And they said the C8 heat exchangers, like every other GM car, has to pass a test where they fire projectiles at them at a speed much higher than you'll ever encounter on the road without damage to the tubes. They didn't specify what the projectiles are made up, how big they are, or how fast they travel. But the reality is that any damage you're likely to encounter without screens is going to be cosmetic, not functional.
Anyone experience overheating after installing mesh grill?
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Most of the mesh still has holes in it which are large enough to allow a sharp corner on a rock to impact the fins on the heat exchanger. I have a honey comb panel (about 1/4" thick) on the front of the radiator of my Cobra which prevents anything from impacting the radiator. Probably not the answer for the C8 heat exchangers.
The second type (installed on the outside) looks to be super expensive (US$349 + ship + tax!) and the first type (installed on the "inside" of the grill) cost me about US$130 delivered (+ the "duty" to cross the border) but that was for the 4 piece set with the 2 piece set being even less expensive. And as always, you're right Murray: buying your own materials and creating what you need is cheaper if you've got the time.

As an addendum for anyone interested: I just got hit with a Can.$45+ FedEx bill for them delivering the mesh set from the States. Had I known and considered the car would be parked soon anyways, I would have opted for "regular ship" rather than the quicker FedEx delivery. Oh well.
I contacted c8corvettepartsonline and he does NOT ship to Cnaada, only to USA.
Only 300 kms on 2020 3LT Z51 front lift , torch red. Great Ride, much better tha C7 Z06 I traded in.
I contacted c8corvettepartsonline and he does NOT ship to Cnaada, only to USA.
Only 300 kms on 2020 3LT Z51 front lift , torch red. Great Ride, much better tha C7 Z06 I traded in.
He sent to me, but there is $40+ duty which is likely why he doesn't want to ship to Canada any more.
For anybody that has done this DIY, what size mesh did you use? I just ordered a 40"x13" roll from Amazon with rhombic spacing of 6mmx3mm and it looks really tight, might be fine for spring, but worried about overheating on the hotter summer days. Also going to need some narrow ties to secure it as the opening is actually less than 6mm once you take into consideration the wire mesh thickness of ~1mm.
For anybody that has done this DIY, what size mesh did you use? I just ordered a 40"x13" roll from Amazon with rhombic spacing of 6mmx3mm and it looks really tight, might be fine for spring, but worried about overheating on the hotter summer days. Also going to need some narrow ties to secure it as the opening is actually less than 6mm once you take into consideration the wire mesh thickness of ~1mm.
Here’s what I used below. It has 8x25mm spacing which works well. I think 6x3 mm will be too small openings.
Amazon product ASIN B07MY5PKN9
Here’s what I used below. It has 8x25mm spacing which works well. I think 6x3 mm will be too small openings.
Amazon product ASIN B07MY5PKN9
And after cutting it to appropriate shape I used the following stuff to make the edge so it wouldn’t scratch the car. I put the cover over the lattice work rather than under. I don’t race or track the car. It has never gotten hot enough to worry- hell, it barley gets into the mid temp range, the cooling is so good. (I have the Z51 but not sure if that matters)
Amazon product ASIN B07BPFSJDH
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