Amazing with all the boarder security a snow flake from Labrador could make all this way .
I was planning to spend January and February in south Texas this winter but that doesn't look like a good choice .Made reservations for 35 days at Disney and 20 days in the Keys .
I'm going to take a series of photos on how to scientifically pack a Corvette convertible for two months ,two people .
Amazing with all the boarder security a snow flake from Labrador could make all this way .
I was planning to spend January and February in south Texas this winter but that doesn't look like a good choice .Made reservations for 35 days at Disney and 20 days in the Keys .
I'm going to take a series of photos on how to scientifically pack a Corvette convertible for two months ,two people .

Tod and Buz managed for much longer than that on "Route 66" (the '60s tv series) :)
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