OK, I did the heater control repair. In the above images you will see the fully functional and bright as new display, followed by a pic of the job in progress. I used some info I found while surfing the net for repair options.
Mostly it went well although I had to buy a new soldering iron because those resistors are SO TINY!! I had a heck of a time with them, and there were in fact 3 that were loose. My procedure was to re-melt the existing solder and then add a bit more and call it good. On 3 of them as I was melting the solder, the other side of the resistor had already let go unbeknownst to me, and when the solder was liquid- Zoom! away went the resistor, flying off the board. I will say that all the connections sure looked good, and I had my doubts about whether this would work. It most certainly did, and I saved a pile of cash.
There is not a ton of room to work on that board- have to be mindful to watch the other components as you maneuver the iron in just-such-a-way to get to the resistors. I burned the plastic off a capacitor (oops) as I hit it with the bottom of the heated barrel.
The best part is, all the controls still work, and the car still starts! (knock wood) I never lost any bolts or screws, and learned that there is very little that hold those interior components together.
HLN A55, you spent $10 on what? Your seat fix? I looked high and low today for nylon washers to fill the gap created by the worn out bumpers in the seat rail, and did not find any. That is the next thing to tackle as the rocking is driving me nuts.