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Evening in Australia

Good story Eric. Somewhere of course on another forum they are telling their side of the story.

Sounds like you have had a great vacation and that is good.

Enjoy Sydney it is a beautiful city.
As the trip grows shorter, we are now in North Haven and headed for Kartoomba today.We will hit Sydney on Saturday and then flying out for the great (and hopefully not white) North.... Pretty cool flight...we leave Sunday at noon and get to Canada Sunday at 1 pm...As good as that sounds, I'm really thinking it's still going to be an 18 hour trip though....

here's a pic of a parrot that didn't like me being in his jungle.....
and another of me in a ..... tight situation. Brenda was going to call for the jaws to get me out.... And we thought a Corvette was tight to climb in and out....

Well Eric, it has been a great travelog. What an adventure. If you cannot get out of that ride you may have to be freighted home.

Hope you guys enjoy your last few days of your southern trip.

Travel Safe.
Thanks Murray. Brenda will be doing a full blown travel summary after we get back. She does one for all the places we visit so I will be sure to post her blog site link for anyone who cares to read it. And I did make it out of the little car.... It actually wasn't much smaller than my Toyota Rav4... hahahaha..... ok.... maybe a little....

A couple more pictures to entertain....If you noticed the Pi$$ed off look on the parrot's face in my previous post, well, it seems to be something all birds seem to feel when I'm around..... here is today's latest "look" from a pelican.... Does he not know that he would look good baking in my oven?... maybe he does know

And if I could ever afford to have my car shipped down here, I would have to try out this road....
Hey is that the z51? Did u get your break in period oil change done? Do they dealers know about it? Do it properly?
Well. The Evening in Australia thread will be coming to an end. We are now in Vancouver airport waiting for the connector to Edmonton. I see through the window that it's a rainy dismal day here on the coast....hmmmm...... no Corvettes on the road today I expect. But cheer up Graham. It's spring. Surely Vancouver will get some sunshine soon. From what I hear, Alberta is not due for much better for a bit yet but at least I don't see snow in the forecast.
I do still have some New South Wales and Sydney pictures I will share but I will post them in a media album instead of here.

Great trip.I highly recommend to anyone who might be considering but I'm glad to be back.I missed having coffee with my baby and also have some installs to get on....
Eric.. truly a slightly moist day here today.
I had some car parts to paint ..It'll have to wait.
so close and yet so far.
How long is your layover at the airport?

Sorry Graham.... Shut the puter down soon after that email.... Layover wasn't that long... just about 2 hours. Had to go through customs in Van so by the time we did that and back through security, it went pretty quick.. We are back in Red Deer Now and all unpacked. Just trying to figure out when we should go to bed. Been up now for 30 some hours... but don't want to sleep quite
Welcome Home Eric. Hope you and Brenda had a great trip, it certainly sounded like it.
Thanks Murray. We had a good trip for sure. Probably one of the most important tips I can give is don't try to do or see all the things you want. It is a big Country and we were there for just shy of a month and that would be my biggest regret.... not taking a little more time to stop and smell the roses. Because this was Brenda's trip to both see her niece and see some of the areas her ancestors were born in, I was more along for the ride as not..... but if and when we do it again'we both know that we tried to do a bit too much in too many places.....

Ok....time for breakfast.... or lunch....or something..... this is going to be an interesting couple days trying to figure out real time as opposed to body time... even though I've been up for 30 hours, it feels like morning and we should be hitting the
hahahaha.... Thanks Graham... That does help.... Except I just slept for 14 hours so now it's........ Monday....woohoo....... lol....I haven't slept that long since I was a teenager..... But luckily I have one of those handy little day/date things on my watch so a couple twists of the dial and I will be as close to normal as I ever was really soon.....
That bird looks somewhat like a variety of the Cormorant I've seen in the southern states especially Florida.

See link for comparo: Cormorant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still have relatives in Oz and will make that trip some day.
Tnx for sharing pics and story.

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Hey..... right on Colin. That looks exactly like it to me.... I have heard of the Comorant but I don't think 've seen one.... or at least not sitting in one spot so I could get a close look.... I have some more posts to make when I get time and will be posting a link to a full blown trip report later on if anyone is interested.... For some reason, there's a month's worth of work piled up in my office for me..... lol....
Lol Eric -- time to pay the piper -- but I bet you wouldn't have had it any other way.
You bet I'm interested in more of your trip pics -- when you get time I've love to see them, tho I bet yer itchin' to catch up on that work first.

Alrighty then.... Sleep patterns stabilized.... Internal clock keeping the right time.... Woohooo..... back to normal..... (and those of you who have tolerated my ramblings can make fun of that statement all you want.... .... )

To be totally honest, I'm glad to be back.... was hoping for a little nicer weather, no snow and dry roads, but we can't have everything we want.... or can we????

Anyway... trip was good....beautiful Country and scenery, super friendly people, highly recommend the Great Ocean Road, the Gold Coast and Tasmania East Coast.... Driving..... not quite as good but got use to it after a bit.... Driving on the wrong side is just not right.... hahaha.... Nik may have a comment here....
My thanks to everyone for keeping me company while we were gone.... Will throw a few more pictures in here and then will post the link to Brenda's report in the weeks to come....

These are bats....BIG bats..... they just hang out in the day time....

Then at night they go out hunting for blood.... This guy gave me a look that said.... "go ahead... make my night!"

This is a dormant volcanic crater.... hmmmm.... dormant for now!!!!!

This just proves there's a market for most everything... if you offer a new collection regularly

This may bring back some memories....if we hadn't killed those brain cells that is....

And a couple of Nik's buddies showed up to get their pictures taken as well....

And this is where they all fuel up....

And last but not least, how can you visit a Country and not go here..... and in case you're wondering.... they WERE great!

Hope you all enjoyed my Evening in Australia...


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