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Dec 21, 2009
quebec, canada
2008 c6
Hello, I have Corvette 2008 C6, 60,000 Km., 91 octane, since 2-3 weeks my engine ping in the acceleration(time :1 sec. average) I tried with 94 octane + boost octane Lucas, my engine ping again. I have check my spark plugs, the air flow sensor, the air filter, It's good. What should I do ?
Hello, I have Corvette 2008 C6, 60,000 Km., 91 octane, since 2-3 weeks my engine ping in the acceleration(time :1 sec. average) I tried with 94 octane + boost octane Lucas, my engine ping again. I have check my spark plugs, the air flow sensor, the air filter, It's good. What should I do ?
Is the check engine light on? Is the temperature normal? Any work was done on the engine or around? How did you check your air flow meter? The air flow meter have 2 little hot wires where the air is passing by. These wires need to be extra clean or the they will give your pcm wrong info. Stephane
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