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Driving the Vette to work = showing off?

Feb 11, 2010
London, ON
2004 z06
Simple question...

Do you consider driving a Corvette or any other performance vehicle to work showing off?

I am concerned that subordinates could get restless when I pull up in what most people perceive as a "flashy"/"rich person" car. On the other hand I have multiple degrees and spent many years in school compared to them and work longer hours so I personally feel justified.

Am I over thinking the situation? I didn't think anything of it until someone mentioned to me tonight that coworkers may get jealous.

Part of me agrees with this statement... but the other thinks... why work at a place you can't be yourself! I didn't buy the vette to look cool I bought it to put a smile on my face every time I get in it!

what i've learned??? Drive your car my vette bro... those people probably either:

1. Didn't like you anyway
2. Would have been jealous of whatever you drive
3. Actually ARE harmlessly jealous or..
4. If you DON'T drive your car you'll hate yourself more than they're jealous...

either way... drive away!!! Just my $0.02...
I guess I am lucky the people I work with are always buggin me to bring whatever hot rod I happen to own at the time,if they are jealous they hide it well. I would say drive it! you cant control what others think,but the car makes you feel good go for it.
I hate worrying about what other people think and sometimes need to be more concerned with what I think. I had this come up when I drove my Vette to work where I was a student intern. Try being a student and having a nicer car than the boss!

Glad you drove your Vette and did something you wanted to do instead of not driving it because of what other people might think about you.

On a side note, are you just worried that they might be jealous or you know they would be jealous. I only ask as I am bad for putting thoughts into peoples heads and assuming the worst when people might truly just like my car.

Oh, and how did the people at work react?
Consider this also... are the C5 z06's really THAT expensive? I'd say anyone that has an issue is more jealous of the balls to actually buy it than the price you paid. Cheaper than a new Honda Accord!!!
Consider this also... are the C5 z06's really THAT expensive? I'd say anyone that has an issue is more jealous of the balls to actually buy it than the price you paid. Cheaper than a new Honda Accord!!!

Good point! These cars are not very expensive.I have more invested in my Superduty!
People who don't know cars think the c5z looks like 50k+ car. My neighbour could not believe it was 6 years old. He said it looked new. He asked about warranty, etc. I just laughed and said "WHAT WARRANTY!"

I was more concerned about the car due to the fact that I have received sizable raises over the last three years working where I work. If the boss sees me flying around in what he perceives as an expensive car that may change. Don't worry I already told him how much it cost.

Driving vs not driving the car to work was more about continuing to connect with the people that work for me than caring about what they thought. People who in these tough times can't relate to owning any year corvette. One of them is a single mom who was crying last week at work when her car radiator blew in her 10+ year old car because she could not afford to fix it. She since bought a 2005 Kia Sol or something for 5k. I have a good say in whether or not people get raises.

It should be noted that I am the youngest person in the office and I'm the #2 guy besides the owners. I know I'm stirring up the pot as it is... driving a yellow vette into work just further pisses them off.

HLN said it best... if they get upset they didn't like me anyways.

I think if I can keep from laying 100' tracks of rubber while leaving the office at lunch I should be ok.
Very good point. Especially about the perceived value of the car rather than the actual value.

Funny how if you bring your car to work that people could/would see it as you elevating yourself above them. I can see it though and you see it in every movie where the overpaid boss drives his overpriced car to work and parks in the closest spot while the "scrubs" have to park far away and walk through the mud just to get to the door. People always want to be making more money and in the positions of other people where they are making more money. And if not, usually they complain about how much money the people above them make or how their job is not that hard. They always seem to judge where you are, not the path that you took to get there.

Then there are others that just love their job and are happy to be where they are at. I shouldn't be so negative about things and put everyone in a box.


altho MY boss drives much flashier cars than my vette
The people I work with more wonder how many vehicles I own, every time they see me I am in a different car it seems. But we all make a similar wage within a few bucks per hour,the only people who drive crappy cars are the ones who have large child support or alimony payments.
It is true many people assume the C5s are worth a higher price than what they sell for,to the average non car enthusiast the C5 and the C6 could be the same vehicle. Thus creating the illusion of the higher value.
Heck... Its interesting how people are so different... My 50+ people all want rides LOL

Like I said, I believe that there is always a time when boss can not be a friend any more. Don't kid yourself, people that whine to the boss about every day expenses also know you have a hand in the raises!!! I suppose that you should also react with their 800 dollar iPhones and trips to the carribean?

Like I said my $0.02
It all depends on the people. Most people aren't car people and spend their money on other things they enjoy, whereas we like vettes and alot of our time, money, and effort go into our cars. I have had people ask me about my car at work but it is usually a genuine intrest rather than a hit at how I can afford it. I may have helped that I had the car before I started working where I am, oh ya and I drove it to my interview.

I suppose i'm in a different boat... by boss has 16 cars including 2 original hemi cudas (one a vert) a porsche turbo, Ram SRT-10 p/u, Benz SL600, a 440-6 pack Road Runner etc etc etc LOL

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