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Did anyone hear of the final 2016 allotment of Z06s to Canada?


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Jan 17, 2015
2016 Z06 LB
Read a few different threads and posts, but never heard a final number on 2016 Z06 Allocations?

Anyone hear? Please share.

Read a few different threads and posts, but never heard a final number on 2016 Z06 Allocations?

Anyone hear? Please share.

The year isn't over until Jun 26 and then BG publishes the numbers. Some people think there maybe one more allocation date; I voted no on that but we will see.
I think one more kick at the can before ordering is done for the year. Thinking between mid March and 2nd to third week of April possibly. The current second round of 2016 allocations happened around the middle of January. I just can't see this being the last ones for this year with them coming 2 months earlier than last years second round. GO CANADA I SAY!!
You gotta admit though with the CAD dollar where it is, they are losing a pile of cash on every Canadian car sold versus a US sale. I still cant believe they havent increased the price by another $10K-15K. The Z06 is such a bargain right now. Keep that in mind too Movie, as you wait for your 2017, here's hoping they leave the prices alone for Canada for another year.

I highly highly doubt that the price will remain the same.
There is no allotment system for Canada. Where we recognize that bigger dealers such as Wilson Niblet will continue to get more cars, these dealerships are also the ones with the longest buyer list. Last year, and this year in fact, GM has broken away from their normal pattern of rewarding those that sell the most Corvettes and we have seen both popular dealerships without allocation, as well as small dealerships stunned that they have received an allocation. I got mine in Quebec City and it was just that case with a single allocation. It really comes down to how much you want a Z06. When I first started looking, I was told there were 28 allocations (Aug 14) and that there may be one or two strays not accounted for. I called every dealership starting from the West and then ending with my find in Quebec City. I still remember their words in a heavy french accent, "I don't know why but nobody wants our Z06". That changed soon after I grabbed that allocation with a local doing everything he could to get the car in his hands,l including making very generous offers to both the dealership and myself.

When you find a dealer that says he has an allocation, you need to ask questions to validate such. "Did you receive word from GM that you are getting an allocation?" "Any idea when it will be activated and built?" "Can we verify this with the District Manager"? "Can we place the order now and in my name?" (WN is the exception) You need to get things on your sales contract when you put the down payment such as "Returnable" and "MSRP at time of deposit" As silly as this sounds, there were probably more that didn't get guaranteed cars the first year than those of us who did, one or two having difficulty getting their deposit returned... Oh ya...make sure it says 2016 and not just the model or they will leave you hanging until next year.

I was very lucky. I found mine and then found a number of others for friends I met along the way simply because I left my name at every dealership I called...and they called back! The GM order process for the Z06, or Corvettes in general, is not one to be envied. We have to take the word of the dealer and be confident in their word for a period of time. There is no validation once you put a down payment down, unless like me, your dealer is nice enough to let you speak with the district Rep. Truly, until you are sitting in that car....don't believe it! Once you sit in it though....not much compares to that moment!
Tis the season...

Although I have bought my car I always keep an eye on AT to see what's happening and I noticed today three Z06's went UP in price since last week.

Sherwood leads the way as usual upping their used blue Z06/Z07 by a whopping 8K!

From 128K to over 135K. Two others are up between 3-6K.

Interestingly - although we are down to 20 cars overall from 31 when I was looking - two of the best deals are still there - both Z07's. Ones a Vert - blue and completely fully loaded (it looks like every option) - 9K KM's asking 120K. Manual. It's also a Canadian car! There are two A8's - both privates and both AllFlash's beautiful Daytona orange sunrise; one only has 2000 KM's and is a 2016. Z07. In Quebec. The other is also a private sale - 654 KM's also a Z07. 2016 - not sure if either are Canadian. Then the rest of the Z07's are over 130K.

Good luck!
Hey thanks Guys. The reason I asked about allotment in Canada as I dont understand it. The only allotment I am aware of for 2016 was the one that came out late Dec.with details released to some dealers Jan 28th. So what happened before that? The dealer I got my 2015 Stingray from had a 2016 Z06 delivered in Aug 2015 which was ordered in 2015 before production of 2016's began. So there must have been an allotment for MY2016 like in April or May. Then as I see from the forum the Dec/Jan allotment was the second for the year 2 months earlier than last year.
I am kind of fortunate that about Jan 18th I called 3 relatively local dealers being sponsors of Vette clubs I belong to and one of them was able to secure a Z06 allotment to fill my order having to pull some regional favours to do so. From previous posts you may recall I had a Z06 order in since Aug 2015 at the dealer where I got my 2015 but their Dec/Jan allotment was for a Z07 for which they have 4 standing orders. So I got bumped out to waiting for another phase of allotments or bonus allotments like the 2 they got in 2015. But you see here, this dealer knew his allotment mix of Z06 and Stingray's like the first week in Jan. Luckily this dealers bad news for me was timely as the other dealers I contacted were waiting for Jan 28th to see there allotment mix.
So I ended up with one in the hand and one in the bush. With a sizeable trade in on the one in the bush I kept it active switching it to a convertible to replace my 2015 which I must sell or trade for the one in the hand order.
The plan was to get a 2016 Z06 coupe and the THOUGHT was to MAYBE get a 2017 Z06 convertible to replace the 2015 but with the F$#%@&^%. Crazy GM executive brain wave allotment system I had to go to the extreme and do it now. And now with the MY2017 not starting until Sept 5th as advised by Allflash who knows wt! Is going to happen.

This is more what I have researched in regards to the challenge of actually getting a new car in Canada right now.

I have entertained the thought that this is on purpose by GM; the dollar conversion makes it a bad business model - so they reduce the amount of loss by making it next to impossible to get one. For now. Car is doing great in the U.S.

To all on the waiting list or with "allotments" - just keep your eyes open.
I bought my Z06 feb 4 and went to 2000 last monday. I called GM Friday and have a TPW of March 7,2016 . This tells me there is capacity and would expect more allocations , so I agree with Movie Muscle.
I bought my Z06 feb 4 and went to 2000 last monday. I called GM Friday and have a TPW of March 7,2016 . This tells me there is capacity and would expect more allocations , so I agree with Movie Muscle.

Have a target production week only for weeks after ordering is extremely fast - congrats! I will be interested to see when your car arrives as this would be the best case scenario for anyone ordering a car.

It certainly isn't the common process for most people - US or Canada.

Good luck and let us know!

I was surprised myself. I spoke with someone yesterday who ordered in October (z51) and has not heard a word although he is expecting a spring delivery.
Your Z06 falls in line with a dealer who was granted the Spring allocation, without having a waiting list, and then the activation was activated as so many were in the last two weeks. Z51's have traditionally been a hard order to obtain as well I think as I know a few that waited for extended lengths of time, two that were actually granted that price protection two years back. I think we all could agree from the posts on a few sites that GM opened the allocations up last week that include more than just those previously granted allocation. They made that effort to fill Canadian orders; this being especially so if it is true that Wilson Niblet got 7-8 and are expecting another 7-8 in upcoming weeks. I am very curious yo see...

I will say that this car easily....easily....gains more attention than any at the Auto Show since they moved us front and center of Auto Exotica entrance, the first North American production model to get there apparently. There were lineups at the car yesterday which really floored us; the hood being open with top off and windows down helping much though! Heading up again today for family day.
The constraint list as of 2-11-2016 indicates Z51 constraint at 60%. It has been a constrained option since earlyJan I believe. Might be awhile or a MY2017 one,however their is still time.
Maybe it's the business side of me - but I have wondered if it's just simply not in GM's best interest to get us any allotments right now? With the dollar so weak and the losses they are taking on each car.

Why would they? They can make more money making them for local or even remote clients.

It was already hard to get one before - it's much harder now. Coincidence?
Correct,, Z51 has never been off constraint. Typically in the 50% area. May 2015 hit 80% and continues the up and down swing.
Currently 60% which is pretty good unless you are a small dealer, then it might be concerning.
Does anyone want a guaranteed Z06? I know of a dealer who has an allocation that needs to have the order in place by Thursday the 25th. PM me for details and contact. Would suspect delivery late April early May.

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