Current BG production estimate

Mark Riel on Facebook had a thought that the number 20181 included 912 CTF vehicles. So there is a small chance that 2021's will start in December
The total would then be 19,269 2020's. This is UNconfirmed!

15,627 > 15,810 = 184

Ok so ballpark how long does it take to arrive, once you submit the order at the dealer for an allocated car? removing COVID from the equation. 3-4 months?
If your order is matched to an allocation this first round, then one should expect their car in about 3 months (from start of production). It could be earlier, but it depends on where you are in that allocation round. More or less. Lots of variables at play.
Did you guys ever think that there were alot of people who just backed out of their orders and that is the reason for a faster 2021 startup date ????

I'm assuming you mean backed out for 2020 orders? I think anyone backing out wouldn't change the 2020 being made; the dealer would happily make it part of its inventory and (in many cases) ask for more than MSRP. So I expect GM will still make its 20,181 target of 2020 C8's, regardless of who at 3000 status backs out. As for the 2021's, I think GM is hoping to get back to a more normal production turn-around, so pumping out 2021's sooner will be a step towards that for the 2021 year, with the added bonus of creating good customer PR and also allowing them to (maybe) get back to their regular schedule for the 2022 year. All that if COVID doesn't throw a monkey wrench into the mix. Just my 2 cents.
Sounds more like 4 cents to me. Regardless l know alot of people who wanted to upgrade to the new and improved C8 in 2022 . So l am sure GM crunched the numbers and like you say made some good PR got the 2021s moving at the same time.
At 2000 the dealer can NOT cancel the order and MUST buy it himself. So no, it has nothing to do with anyone backing out. Remember that Dealers buy the cars from GM NOT the customer.
11/17 16308-16494 = 186 cars !!!!!!
This thread is screwed up! lol
It's 187 cars and I already posted it somewhere in a thread with this exact title

Edit: I posted it privately with the same title. LOL
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