Current BG production estimate

At 2:04 Morgan talks about Canadian C8 deliveries stopping after the second week of November. This will supposedly avoid us Canucks trying to drive our C8's in the snow. I suspect it also has something to do with catering to the US crowd (their bigger market) and focusing on delivering their C8's first. Another blow to Canadians waiting for their C8's, especially for Western Canadians with orders nearing completion that can take up to a month to get here. Thanks for catching this Gilles27.
Wait, wtf. So they will stop delivering corvettes to Canada from 2nd week of November until spring 2021? Is this new and only for C8s or was this also done with C7s? Also does this mean they will stop building Canadian corvettes until deliveries resume or will Canadians C8s that are built in 3 week of nov be parked outside until spring 2021?
I believe it was a thing with some of the corvette deliveries. But they also might place higher demand on northern cars also. Like the northern states, so let's not worry just yet.

I should not be worried as I would be lucky for my order to be accepted in March or April 2021 but it still feels like Canada is getting a short end of the stick. Last and only time I dealt with GM, I ended up spending 100 grand with BMW.
Zero's added

13040 > 13184 = 145

Sounds AWSOME. Looking forward to it. Thinking it has been already born seeing I only had 37 units before mine is made.
Thanks for the good news. Now the wait is on for shipping
. :bsmile:
Hope you talked to your dealer and got the good news???? :)
Mine was built 22 sept and shipped out 29 sept. It`s 9 Oct 20. that`s 10 days in transport so far ...nothing yet. Don`t know if coming by truck, train or boat.
A meeting would be great !
Weird. Be by CDN truck carrier.

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