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Confession is good for the soul so here is mine.........

Yes VYR seeing people loose feet ,teeth and go blind are great motivators especially like yourself you've take control.I told my doctor I'd run 60 miles a day backwards before I'd take insulin .

Like I said you have taken control of your destiny .When ya reach 100 PM me and I'll come buy ya a beer (I only have one a month)
Good afternoon Elf,

I hate needles too! After cancer treatment and being a human pin cushion I get tense everytime one comes toward me. I ended up with a line in my upper chest for maybe 6 weeks it was as they needed to give me so many IV bags and take so many samples that it is easier to do that than to try to go into me each time in a fresh spot.

I was really worried too about having to take insulin. I can remember and I've got it recorded from that time, weight, distance walked or run and blood sugar level when it dropped below 6 and I was in the zone! Never took Metformin again.

Living to be 100. That would be sweet. But they've told me that the chemo drugs would eventually cause congential heart failure for me (nice choice, die from cancer now or heart failure later on!) but as that was down the road it ends up being an easy choice.

I never actually talked about that, alcohol. Not that I drank and actually my favorite stories around drinking are the last time I was in a bar was in 2002 in London England. When I moved three years ago I had to dust my alcohol bottles and I'm the only person I know who has beer go skunky from being in the house too long! I like my kaluha and banada liquor mixed and I still have a bottle of Grey Goose I need to open and especially a bottle of ice wine from Germany one of my Au-Pairs gave me. I did have a drink of rye either last summer or the summer before when an AU-Pair from Switzerland came here for a visit. But otherwise I haven't had a drink in three years. No reason, just stopped drinking. Kind of like I don't eat white bread or bread generally for that matter. It just happened.

So on happier things, what sort of 2008 do you have?? We have to remember the good things on being here!

But fear not, if we're both around and kicking when I'm 100, driving our C15's we'll hoist one to celebrate that achievement too!!!!!


That is great elf! Sounds like you have everything under control and to be told to not lose anymore weight is a dream for a few of us, although I realize its more due to necessity than choice for yourself. I'm looking forward to when exercising and eating less becomes a real life style change as it will be way easier. Today is my first day where I am allowed to not go to the gym and it feels weird.
Good morning Somebuddy,

This morning you might be right, Tuesday/Wednesday lows of -31 and -32 you would be right for sure!

But a guy can always hope, can't he?

Beats driving a Hummer into a crowd of gypsys any day. That poor salesman must not have been able to live that moment down.

Still 207 this morning but it flickered on 206........went for a 4 plus km walk to the cemetary, did 9 very short sprints, actually got my pace down to 4:16 for the final 150 m. Not that I could ever hold that for 5 or 10 km (don't I wish!) but it felt so good to be moving at that speed. It made my legs discover a pace and stride that has been unused for a while and also helps with one problem I had in races, getting beaten in the last 25 m by people. So I am hoping to improve my finishing kick.

I do have another story that I don't think I ever shared since we have talked about running and races.

In January 2010, shortly after I injured my right Achilles tendon I went in for a cancer checkup in Edmonton. I needed to do some more walking to get in my 10 km and by chance the hotel I was staying at was within 15 or so blocks of West Edmonton Mall. When I was leaving at around 8:30 pm by one of the major north east exits from the parking lot, on foot of course, a truck passed me and then stopped a short distance ahead of me. The passenger got out and came toward me, I don't really remember clearly what he said but he came toward me and swung at me. I remember putting my arms up and backing away and asking him who he thought I was. I don't know that many people in Edmonton, had had no altercations with anyone and don't even recall talking to anyone while I was at the mall. So he turns away and goes back to the truck when the driver gets out and comes around the back to the truck toward me. Upon seeing this the passenger also turns around and comes back toward me. I was very scared at this time as I had no idea what was going on so I turned and ran to the entrance of Sears. They chased me, yelled something at me but I made it into the store first. Was I shaking! I had my Garmin with me and if I recall I hit a speed of 28 km/hr or something like that. Surprise of course is that my heel did not hurt (thank God for adreneline!).

While it is said that running can save your life, in this case it may have literal. What disturbed me the most was I have often wondered if they had caught me if anyone would have helped me. I sadly came to the conclusion probably not as I'm not sure if I would have stepped in if I came across this situation as a spectator..........

I'm not sure if this would have been a random act of violence or what, but it sure took a long time before I stopped jumping every time a vehicle would hit its brakes close by me. Maybe wrong place, wrong time? Darn 20 something year olds anyway.


I've always wondered about those situations with people coming up to you or random acts of violence. My "fitness" class would help me out should that situation ever happen. Give me a couple more years and they would definitely wish they never stopped.

PS, you should ask Manny where he installed the magnet.
Good point Riley,

It was a head shaker. I mean I'm about as harmless as they come, I wasn't walking in the middle of the lane or anything. I don't owe anyone drug money, didn't sleep with anyones girlfriend/wife/mother, from Edmonton anyway, so it was a real WTF just happened moment. I thought about calling dad to ask him to pick me up but waiting for 15-20 minutes and then carefully made my way home. The obese Garry never would have made it though........

Excellent point! I'd hate to leave with the car and not know where any feline attraction accoutrements are located or the means to stimulate them properly.


Good morning,

So a solid 2006 and even a flicker on 2005. I am really starting to think I'll see the south side of 200 now. I can't describe how great I am feeling emotionally and mentally.

-29 with no wind so I am going to go outside but probably just to walk. Forecast calling for 15 km wind later today though. No word from CN on arrival of railcars yet.

All seems so good in my world at the moment.............


That is great Garry! I forgot me weigh myself this week.

My wife thinks I am losing weight, but until I can fit my wedding ring on the middle finger of my other hand (as I used to be able to do this), I'll assume there hasn't been much of a change. I'm only my second week into my year long commitment. Tonight is going to be a challenge as my reps have increased, resting time has decreased PLUS I have my fitness class.... lots of exercise tonight!

You know Garry, I've never been in an actual fight in my life (outside of growing up with two older brothers) so I wonder about this class I am taking and wonder if it's worth doing this training, but hearing WTF moments like that gives me the confidence that I could take care of myself should something like that happen. The first objective, would be to do the same as you, run, get away. However, this class is there for those times when this is not possible, plus now I have a wife so at least this would slow them down enough or disable them so she can get away.
Good morning Riley,

That is actually a good test, when I lost weight in 2008 being able to wear my wedding ring on my right had. It was a custom design and I still really like it and also wear it to remind myelf to never forget.

Once the benefits of exercising start to happen it gets so addictive. While I generally don't have problems with getting myself out of bed at 5:30 now a days it is also the time when I weigh myself so it is always sort of exciting.

I also don't think that I ever mentioned that while I have a dust covered weight machine in the basement (it probably gets jealous of the use the treadmill gets) I keep a pair of 8 lb barbells in the livingroom beside the sofa to use when I am watching something on TV. I don't go crazy with them but just 50 pulls once in a while since I am there anyway. It is convenient and sometimes that is 1/2 the battle.

Wow, my last fight????? Well I just had an older sister so it was never at home and at school to be honest with you I was never is a flat out fists flying brawl that I can recall either.

I'm not sure what would have happened had they caught me, two guys in their mid 20's, the passenger certainly did weights. Maybe they had some kind of steroid induced mental problems??? I just remember thinking after the fact how greatful I was that my son was not with me and yes, no doubt that I could run as well. I also made the mistake of not getting their truck license #. I remember it was a white Dodge.

The other thing that that really freaked me out was that I could see this happening in an empty parking lot like at 3 in the morning. But this was 8:30 at night at an exit from the world's largest shipping center - what's up with that????? They wanted witnesses or an audience??


Good morning,

Not as cold yesterday, -26 but a 9 km north wind. But I'm going to fully suit up and see if I can handle it for 20 or 30 minutes as today is a very special day.

Besides the obvious the scale was very kind to me and I hit 204!

A 2 lb drop in 1 day at this point in the curve was unexpected so it is setting my day off on the right foot.

Should have rail cars today, sad if I miss Manny's call/post in the afternoon as I'm sure this is all I'm going to be thinking about today, how much rubber shredding power were they able to produce??


Minus 33 here without the wind chill! Yuck! It's so gross out not even your weight wants to stick around for winter. I wish your fat could talk to my fat and tell it to get lost too! This exercising is going to kill me! Yesterday turned into a day of doing 120 strict form push ups. Not all at once!!!!!! But still as fun as it sounds. I just have my eyes set on what kind of difference this will make at the end of this year. If I can do even one solid chin up, I'll be super happy!
Good morning Riley,

Now that is pretty cold, isn't it? About the same here, just about to head out.

120 pushups? I'm not sure I could do 12 myself but my arms I don't work on too much - yet!

Exercise can hurt but once you get going with it you wonder why you weren't doing it all your life. You are right to visualize the outcome and what that is going to be like but please don't forget to enjoy the ride in the process. Half the fun is in getting here because there is a change in your life. I found it much harder to keep my motivation once I got to my goal and then there were no more changes on the scale and so that occasional rush was no longer happening in my life...........

A chinup I can do though.......funny was 57 lb lighter will let you accomplish.

We should compare frost bite stories after this.


Well, the coldest I ever experienced was -46 before the windchill when I biked to school. That was a nasty week! The rest of the week was -38 to -42 for the daytime high! The only reason why I biked to school was to say I did it. Luckily it was only a 2 km ride so I wasn't actually outside that long. The only think I like about winter is that I can dress for it. Heat really melts me and in summer you can only take so many cloths off. The perfect outside temp for me on a sunny day is +17 to +20.

Well, with all this exercising, I still feel fat, still don't like how my love handles and gut push out on my shirt but I feel better. I don't feel lethargic or slow and I can move if I want to. I imagine I'll be able to move even better with 30 less pounds to carry with me!

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