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Confession is good for the soul so here is mine.........

That would be a boost taking back some cloths for a smaller size and especially getting some ladies to smile at you! I look forward to that day. I look forward to the day when my gut doesn't hit my leg when I bike and face doesn't squish so much when I put my hand on it.

More fitness class tonight. Woo! I'm not there with running yet and never was a runner but if I loose 30 lbs, I'm sure I'll feel like I'm floating.
Good morning Riley,

225 and the scale even flickered on 224 for a moment!

It is sort of like being reborn, a reawakening, the proverbial second chance at life.

Ya, ladies smiling at me when I'm not in the Z06 is certainly new for me!

I ran another 1.2 km of 4.8 when I was out this morning. It is sort of hard to run with a parka on! But so far my heel is hanging in well and not giving me the pain it once was.

Oddly they talk about the importance of the balanced diet. Well one of the last things to return to my diet after surgery and still a long ways off are vegetables and fruit. I have to take multi-vitamins and B12 daily for the rest of my life but that is no big deal. But I sure miss potatoes and berries!

But I have to look at the bottom and how this is taking me to a very happy place in my life.

Running pace is slow, 6:30's per km and it needs to get closer to 5:00 to get back in the game again. I can't wait to break out my winter running clothes.

I hear ya about the stomach too. It interfers with things like tying shoelaces, bending over and all those other day to day things. I'm still unsure of what to do with it in the end. God knows I could help out a lot of folks who'd be in need of a skin transplant from being burned or something like that.

But like I said, this is a health issue to challenge and the saggy skin is vanity and I'm not sure how to work that one out in the end.

But it is VERY pleasing to go through the day and to not be hungry all the time or heading into the kitchen ever 30 minutes.

Good luck with the exercising and keep it up!!!!!


222 is pretty awesome!!! What is your end goal?

So, to be blunt, is the weight loss really just about not eating? (I know you are exercising as well.) Do you keep count of your caloric intake to make sure you are getting enough food? I'm sure you thought about this and are taking care of it but the question is, if your not hungry, how do you know if your getting enough nutrition?

I'm just asking because in a nut shell, maybe I'm simply just eating too much food, but I don't want to starve myself so how do you know when enough is enough or how to get enough?
Good morning Riley,

It is a combination of reducing how much I eat and exercise. For example, mom and gf are not exercising so while they are losing weight it is not a rapid as it is for me. Do I watch my calories, perhaps, yes it is something that I am aware of.

But it is currently a case of what is the size of my stomach and how much I can eat at any one time. Also while you need to be drinking 64 oz of water a day, you can't be drinking 45 minutes before or after eating either, lest you risk stretching your stomach.

My stomach is about 25% of its former size.

I am currently targeting trying to get between 50 and 70 grams of protein a day which the Dr. said was the critical factor in losing the weight in the long term.

The water volume and protein are proving to be daily challenges. I'm bringing in new foods daily and have a table I've made of # calories to # grams of protein and going with the best ratio.

I also have to take multivitamins daily as well as B12 in the morning. This is going to be for life but not a problem, just part of my morning routine.

I'll be honest and if someone told me I'd be getting by on say 600 calories a day without being lightheaded and sleeping all the time I'd have told them they were out to lunch. Yet that is exactly the state that I am in.

I still get up at 5:30, out the door by 6:30 for exercise and in bed at 9:30, my schedule has remained the same pre and post surgery.

My end goal? Well, honestly Riley I'm not that sure. I think that it will get to be more of a challenge as my weight drops. I spent a very brief time between 190 and 200 when I lost weight back in about 1999 and between 200 to 210 five years ago.

I might challenge going lower than that. I really am not sure. But once I am where I want to be then I have to start consuming higher calorie foods relative to protein. That should not be a problem as let me tell you I have a love for both peanuts and peanut butter!

I don't recall what the calorie intake is for a male our age and height, maybe 2000?

I think that the saddest part of what we have to accept is that once our bodies are grown, say around maybe 18 to 20 years of age, we get screwed in two ways after this.

1)we don't need as many calories as we are not longer is a construction mode but have to switch over to a maintenance mode.

2)our metabolism slows down as we age - we become more efficient at using the food we eat therefore we need to reduce intake again as we age. Who ever designed us this way should have given it more thought!

The bottom line sadly is, if you weight more than you'd like to, or what you should weigh, then you ARE eating too much. Thus to lose weight you either need to exercise more or eat less or a combination of the two........

My two cents anyway.

But you have a good understanding of what I am feeling. I eat by the clock rather than by being hungry.

For the moment, no if's, and's or but's, I'm fine with this. Heck I'm even going swimming this weekend and if you want to challenge self confidence, if you don't go swimming because you don't like how you look in a swim suit, then you need to lose weight!


Good morning Manny,

Could my life be any better?

I may not be able to catch Paul rwhp wise but maybe I can weigh less car and driver!!!!!!!


You were more or less joking about donating skin. A friend, whose daugher had a heart transplant, was telling me that skin is a very important donor part/organ. There is a very big demand for skin as well as kidneys, eyes and other parts. It surprised me. Something to think about when signing a donor card. Others really need what we don't.
Good morning Keith,

No, actually I was most serious about the subject. My only question is how perishable the skin is, if it has to be transplanted right away or if it can be stored for a period before use. I was thinking of burn victims at the time as I've been one of those people who accidently lit themselves on fire once when I was 17.

But I agree, if someone needs something I have once I'm dead hey let it be open season. But I also know that havign cancer I have limitations, I don't even think I can donate blood anymore even. Sort of a stimga thing for me, I feel tained some days.


You're not tainted and there is no stigma. It just is what it is and they don't take chances. They wouldn't transplant a kidney that wasn't working properly and they wouldn't want to transplant my brain for obvious reasons, but big deal. It works well enough for me to get by. Your new body seems to be getting by just fine too, so just get used to it.
Good morning Keith,

Now worries, I did not feel slighted in anyway!! I'm just not sure if I could donate my organs or skin if my blood is a no-no.

Trust me, ever minute of every day, more so recently of course, I tell myself how lucky I am to be in the life I am living.

Personally, while there is risk, better to use organs from a person like me if that is all that is available to save someone's life. I'm sure if you asked someone who had 24 hours to live and needed a heart if they'd take one from soneone who had cancer 5 years ago they're be receptive..........

While I've done some suffering in my life I'm sure making up for that now.

A favorite movie quote "It is the character that's the strongest that God gives the most challenges to. Now you can take that as a compliment".

I've always like this.


Good evening Riley,


Not surprising from an insurance company though. Any excuse will do for those people it seems. I'm sure they've got some sort of risk study to justify it.

You're moving along the right path so just keep it up, the exercising, and start to watch what you are eating and it should fall into line. Just not the best time of year to be starting a challenge like this but no time like the present. Don't delay as using excuses becomes easier and easier and you can always find some reason why not to do something.

Grab the bull by the horns and full speed ahead, WOT to a healthier you!


Oh how funny, oh how true!!

Sure it hurts, for the first few weeks, but then you get to discover a life that you have been cheating yourself out of all this time. Losing weight is one of the best things you can do for yourself and it starts by taking the first step out the door.

Excuses why not to do it are easy to come up with and once you do that once you're hooped.
Hahahahaha! So true! Hahaha! Well, oddly enough I need to leave right now as I am going to be late for my personal trainer appointment! (Got it on a good deal).
Thats the stuff I want to hear Riley!

While people talk about doing this sort of stuff it is most often followed by the "I'm going to start after the holidays etc." excuses and more often than not it fails to materialize. If this is what people want in their life then they need to do exactly what you are doing - starting that day without any delays.

217 and still falling.............

Although a really weird taste in my mouth that brushing, mints or anything can't seem to deal with.

Thinking about trying some rice today for the 1st time post surgery - I love rice!


217!? That is amazing! Great job and discipline! Although I imagine seeing results adds to the motivation.

As for your daily diet. Whew! That really is not a lot of food! It sets a good minimum but what a minimum! The personal trainer told me that I if I keep up on working out and pushing myself I need to have protein every 3 hours. Now, that is not a meal every 3 hours but just some protein. He also stated that working out is great but what you eat is what will give you the results you want so I'll have to continue tightening the belt and really evaluating what I want. Also in other exciting news, my friend that runs the fitness class wants to use me as a case study which means a lot of free training but I'll have to log all my food and daily exercises. Honestly I like not being accountable so if I slip a bit, no one knows, but this may be the thing to get me where I want. I believe this will start next week!

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