Airshows are educational for our kids .... my gem @ 10 yrs old
with my greatest of appreciation to both my school bud (USAF-ret.)
and his wife (USAF-ret.) and for finding some shade within a bomber bay with my wife and daughter
I’ll tell you a cool story about a time when a Rockwell B1 was sitting on the Shell Aerocentre ramp. It only ripped out and dragged 100 feet of chain link fencing. Because of that,it sat there,unattended for close to month. I was able to get visitor passes for some friends and we spent many an evenings walking around and twice climbed the ladder and got inside. Security was very lax to say the least. I might have film pics somewhere packed away in the garage.
This is one of aviation’s hardest planes to fly. and land as well. At 70,000 feet the window for keeping it in the air or stalling is 5 knots. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for mistakes. As well,they need a chase car to count down the altitude before the pilot gets her on the runway. Always wondered why they don’t use Corvettes. All I’ve ever seen chasing these are Pontiac G8s and Camaros.