C7 drivers don't wave to C8

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If I see a vette on the road they get a wave. Seen more Lambo's than C8's so far around here. Pretty sure there are one or two but I hardly ever see any vettes regardless of the model on the road. Then again it is a down year this year. Will only get up to maybe 5K this year because you couldn't go anyplace but local till a few months ago. Blue Ridge Parkway and Tail of The Dragon were on my plans for this year but that got nixed.
Well I had a similar experience. I always wave to all Corvettes and they always wave back. However my wife and I were heading back home from a cruise in the Litchfield Hills and a black c7 was 2 cars in front. Of course with an elderly lady driving a Prius in between. This Corvette passed me as I was pulling out from an intersection. I waved, no wave back!

As we traveled on Quaker Farms (188), I couldn't wait for the broken yellow line to pass the Prius. I was in third and nailed it. Awesome sound from Magnaflow and enough torque to be impressive. As I approached the C7, he noticed me. He really couldn't pull away from me and he supposedly has twice the horsepower.
As he made a right turn to go home, I beeped and waved, still no wave back, smile, or Corvette Compassion.

If someone's limelight in life is only the car they drive, they better get a real life.


"Lucky Seven"
Isn't that the truth? I'd still rather be envious of someone's musical talent than I would the car they drive. Mark Twain had a quote similar to "Don't ever underestimate the power of jealousy". It's powerful alright.
This hasn't any correlation at all with my post of the C7 not waving back.
I'm done waving to C7's, either they don't recognize the C8 as a Corvette coming towards them or their feelings are hurt as there is a new kid on the block stealing their limelight. I have lots of C3,C4,C5 wave to me so I think it's the second reason!
Not a big waver, myself, as I find it awkward. Rarely happens where another Vette driver waves around here anyways. If you are in Ottawa and wave, I will wave back! Gotta day, though, it is a little bit cringe that you think a grown adult is hurt about not being in the limelight because of the C8. Just e joy your car and don’t overthink things!
I'm done waving to C7's, either they don't recognize the C8 as a Corvette coming towards them or their feelings are hurt as there is a new kid on the block stealing their limelight. I have lots of C3,C4,C5 wave to me so I think it's the second reason!
I always wave. But just an FYI as I don't know how prevalent this is, but I've only seen 2 C8's in my area, first at a gas station and second at the grocery store. In both cases, the C8 is the first Corvette these guys ever owned and neither knew anything about waving to other Vette owners. They said they were getting 'motions' all over the place and thought it was just people recognizing the new car, didn't realize they were supposed to wave at every Corvette they saw......just saying :)
As a C3 guy I always wave at other Vettes and if I'm the initiator I get return waves 90% of the time. Don't care what year Vette it is and I don't really get the "envy" thing. I drive my C3 because I love it and it's my time machine. No new car of any description can make me feel 25 again. Enjoy your Vette, be courteous, be kind and smile when you wave.........this crazy world needs more of that.
I bought my first Corvette in 1967. I always try to wave. Yesterday three of my friends and I were cruising the Niagara Parkway. There were lots of Corvettes out yesterday and I waved at and got a wave back from every Corvette we met, except one, and it was a Torch Red C8. I missed him, partly because we were both buried in traffic and, at that moment I had a glare of sun in my windshield so I didn’t realize it was Corvette until I caught a glimpse of the high wing as he passed. I have no idea if he waved because I just didn’t see him. I say all this because it is always possible that the other driver just didn’t recognize you at that moment. As I mentioned at the beginning, I have been lucky enough to be a member of this wonderful group of people for many years and I have alway been a waver. Probably over 90% of the time I get a wave back. What great fun.
Save the Wave
I'm done waving to C7's, either they don't recognize the C8 as a Corvette coming towards them or their feelings are hurt as there is a new kid on the block stealing their limelight. I have lots of C3,C4,C5 wave to me so I think it's the second reason!
Here in the London area, all the Vette drivers I meet waive to me and I waive back... in my C7. Great day for cruising yesterday , so the keeners, and convertibles, even shoved their hand straight up above the windshield and flashed some elbow. Just saying...
interesting...around Montreal, I find that C7s rarely wave...only Z06, but none of the handful of C8s waved.
In fact one pulled up at a light beside me yesterday and stared straight ahead.
And this, compared to C6 and earlier vintages actually making a U-Turn to say hi. Heck,even a Mustang GT350 driver waved the other day...
And I am someone who really acknowledges ALL vintages ;-)
Not a big waver, myself, as I find it awkward. Rarely happens where another Vette driver waves around here anyways. If you are in Ottawa and wave, I will wave back! Gotta day, though, it is a little bit cringe that you think a grown adult is hurt about not being in the limelight because of the C8. Just e joy your car and don’t overthink things!
That was my response to the initial post on the waving business. Those are not my words of being in the limelight because you drive a C8. I only responded to someone else's post. It's like telling a joke and it changes a little from person to person.

Anyway, I have been through Ottawa while playing at a Major Blues Festival in New Brunswick, Canada. Very beautiful area.. I'll always wave if I am there again.

You are so right about not overthinking things.
If I see a nice looking car on the road, don't care what brand/model, I will give a thumbs up. Really don't care if they acknowledge it or not. It will take some time for the masses to recognize the C8 from all the swoops and scoops on the road, there just is not enough of them around yet, at least here, to know one from another. They go so fast it is hard to make an instant determination in any case. :Biggrin:

Save the wave and keep smiling. Who cares if the other driver has arthritis in their wrists or not.
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